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So, What Are You Afraid Of….

Category : Uncategorized

“If something you want is slow to come to you, it can only be for one reason……
You are spending more time focused upon its absence, then you  are about its presence.”      ~~Abraham Hicks
I have written and shared many times about how I lived over half my life in fear. Everyday, 24/ 7, fear was my guide. Even if things were going good, I was afraid of what might happen. There was always something to be afraid of, and it didn’t have to be real. I was raised in a household full of fear, my mother was bi-polar and my father was a sexual abuser, fear was the energy in my home. Even when I went to church, which you think would give me a positive example, I always had fear I would sin and not be good enough. I was afraid I would disappoint god, just because I existed, and the church did nothing to dispel that. I get it now, fear is ego. Ego sees the world through physical eyes and just looks for things that may happen to hurt you. My tortured soul just wanted to be free, but so many things could hurt me.
Everything is energy, so because I believed my fear was real, it was real…..that is energy and what you send out is what you get back. To get out of fear and change my life I had to change my whole belief system. All the teachings of my childhood had to be removed and replaced by thoughts that could create a knowing of life being filled with love, joy, peace……That was a very daunting task. It was not easy, it was not simple, because ego did not want to let go of control, and it was definitely not comfortable. But like so many of you, I’m compulsive/obsessive, and didn’t give up. I made up my mind to change things. There was Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and my fav, John Randolph Price (certainly many more), they all said I could do it and be happy and healthy. So, I took my journey and it became a book, and to this day, I am in awe of the Energy and how much power we Humans have.
You live in a time that is all about energy. Wayne Dyer said, “You are what you think about all day long.” Your focus of your energy creates your life, happy or sad, angry of forgiving, love or hate…..whatever you know to be true, is true and that can make a great life or one that sucks. Don’t take my word for it, any self-help book will tell you the same thing. The funny thing is you look to others to make your bad stuff disappear. For awhile that may work but in the end you still keep creating the same shit based on your belief that life sucks and someone else can fix you, silly ego driven human. Your physical world is a screen shot of your thoughts at this moment. I see you out there on Facebook, the negativity is rampant. You waste your energy on others that have nothing to do with you, so you can be offended and hate someone. No wonder your life sucks.
I have written many times about this, trying to teach you about ego and energy. So with that said, I changed my life. I know my life is all about  love, joy, peace, which are the gifts of Spirit and does not include fear. Yes, I replaced the darkness in my life with Light and Love. That energy in its physical manifestation brings into my life, health, prosperity and perfect divine self expression. If you decide to give up on fear and live your life the way you were meant to, change your thoughts, be grateful everyday. The whole Universe supports what you do when you decide to be the Spiritual Being you were meant to be, you will have support. You will find a teacher, needs will be met and lessons will certainly come your way. If you need help, just ask, ‘help’, help is always around you. Of course you will have to pay attention to all those uncomfortable lessons. Whatever makes you feel like uncomfortable, is not about what someone else is doing whatever they do, it is about you. So be sure and ask for clarity on why the heck some stupid thing bothers you so much. Get to know yourself, I’m sure you will find yourself fascinating.
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual being.

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How Did I Get Here?

Category : Uncategorized

“Most people don’t want truth, they want constant assurance that what they believe is true…..”
I am a completely different person than I was, 10, 20 or 30 years ago.  My journey has been about learning what I want and what I don’t want…..what I like and what I don’t like, who my true self is, etc. You and I are the creators of our paths, our lessons, our life. If you are dealing with good or what you call bad, if you have decisions to make and don’t know which way to go, well, welcome to Earth. This is life, all the good, bad and the ugly. It’s a journey, your journey. You set yourself up before you came to Earth for the lessons you have and are now experiencing. Many of you think finding others to follow will validate you. Many of you have decided on belief systems that no longer work and no longer make you feel good, which leaves you being offended. You do not like what other people say or do, because it disagrees with you, or it scares you, that perhaps, maybe, you could be wrong. Or after all these years, you screwed up your path. Now, as you stumble and fall, whine your way through things you don’t like, it’s time to admit, you’ve had enough of this shit.
Being offended, blaming others, not being accepted, being told you are wrong and hating someone for that……The Ego is running wild these days, because you are very afraid. You know that feeling you get in the pit of  your stomach, that clenching feeling, like you just got punched? That is your ego feeling insecure, fearful, unloved, or just plain wrong.  None of you want to be wrong, or unloved. You want to feel like you belong and you look to others to validate you. You hang out in groups that make you feel accepted, all the while hating those who seem to be worthwhile to hate.
A large part of the country is running in circles now, not knowing which way to go. Your belief structures that were built on what you thought was true, are now eroding away. How you see this country may not have changed in your mind, but make no mistake, you and the world are changing day by day. The frequency is getting higher. With that changing energy which is higher than it was last year, or twenty years ago, nothing works like it used to, and old belief systems serve no purpose. Basically your foundation to what you thought was truth, is really nothing but old ideas, based on limited thought forms, that you thought you could control. You are wasting your time and energy to hold together a system that doesn’t serve your highest purpose. No wonder your energy is depleted, your depressed or feel unfamiliar with the stuff around you.
What you are really missing is your true self. You let go long ago to allow ego to run rampant, so you could “fit in”. All the lessons along the way were trying to bring you to your true self, so you could let go of needing ego approval. You want to be happy, have love, joy, peace, prosperity, and health. You want to live the life ideal. You’ve check out every door, and the boxes available, followed the sheep to what ever religion or political view , even thought maybe, the aliens will come take you and others. Nothing outside of yourself is the answer, nothing outside of you can change your world to peace. Read it again and again. You are the answer for you.
Go to your heart center and ask yourself what you really want. What is your dream your true hearts desire…….
It can’t possibly be to continue running in circles to be accepted……find who you really are, then add gratitude for this crazy journey. Focus your life on what would bring you joy and love. The more you quit fighting, the more peace you will find. It’s just really time for you to accept you and love yourself, all the good, bad, and ugly!
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being.

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You Create Your Own Reality, Quit Being Offended and Whining!!

Category : Uncategorized

July 5th is my birthday and it shows up every year. I cannot even believe I have been on the planet for 66 years and still not be old. One of my  manifestations since I was 40 yrs old was to stay young and healthy. The Universe, or what ever you choose to call ‘It’, is energy and that energy forms and creates according to your thoughts. In other words what you know to be true, is true. You are the creator of your own reality. Knowing this so many years ago I decided to stay young and told the Universe to let me know what I would need to do along the way to promote my youth. Well, it worked. Of course, because everything is energy and what you know to be true is true. I know when I put energy out there, what I need will always show up.

My husband and I were at a resort, social distancing of course, last weekend. An older man came up to us (probably my age), social distancing of course, and said “neither one of you have an ounce of fat on you” and of course wanted to know what we eat. We shared, his comment, “does that really work?”. Does anyone get the irony of that question, when he was bloated, large, and obviously had inflammation issues. He made a few comments, not really believing you are what you eat, then left. This has happened to me before, people aren’t interested if they really have to do something different, out of their own box is very uncomfortable for them, and maybe you??
Everything I ask for comes to me. That’s it. You may say, does that really work or you may argue, it hasn’t worked for me. my life sucks. Well, it’s all about the energy. Praying, is often actually begging some big white guy in the sky to fix things for you. There is no god to fix, or punish or bless you. So sitting around praying for some miracle, will always be just that, sitting around and waiting. Most of you are looking for something outside yourself to fix what is happening in your life. Please read that statement again. I was one of those people, many years ago. It basically means you think you are powerless and some politician, some preacher (if you give him money for his mansion and cars), some teacher, or some god will find favor with you and give you what you think you need. When all you really have to do is change your energy from negative to positive and add gratitude!!! Energy always attracts like energy.
People, maybe you, feel slighted, offended, treated unfairly, because you can’t have what you want. The Law of Attraction, is quite plain and simple, what you send out is what you get back. There is no way around this, it’s energy and it treats everyone the same. If you are whiney and negative, you will have whiney negative shit in your life. If you are hateful and angry, you will get, more hateful shit to be angry about. So when you change the way you approach life and see through the eyes of love and gratitude, you will get more things to love and be grateful for. Geez, could it be any simpler? The reason your religious beliefs don’t tell you that, well, what would you need them for? Church is big business. You can be an asshole and get saved, and go out and be an asshole again. It’s all about control of you, that you allow and many seem to want. This is because you do not want to take responsibility for yourself. You do not want to take the effort to love yourself, it’s just easier to hate others. You do not want to eat real, healthy food, you can always go to a doctor. You don’t want to take your supplements, when you can just go to a doctor to get a more pharma pills, which gives big pharma and the doctor control over your life. You have given your power over to  a fake god, doctors, politicians……always looking out side of yourself to be validated, not sick and somewhat happy.  Which never seems to work because you will constantly need more and more validation, pills…..etc.
Love, joy, peace, are the gifts of spirit. When that energy fills your life, health, prosperity and perfect divine self expression ( you can be the real YOU)  are the physical manifestations of that energy. You are not taught any of this, so the ego is what controls your life and your reactions. When change comes along, so does fear. We have tremendous change happening on the planet right now. This change is meant to make you feel uncomfortable. You are being backed into the corner to find your real spiritual power. If you resist, well, shit happens, because misery produces more misery.
A Spiritual Journey, which you are on, whether you know it or not, can be the most traumatic thing you ever go through or life changing and empowering or both. I did it, and all along the way I had help, I knew it and it was so. It’s that simple or that complicated.
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being.

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Holy Shift…..

Category : Uncategorized

Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being. You may not like this, you may be uncomfortable, you may be unhappy…..but you opted to be here for these changes on Earth at this time. As a matter of fact many of you caused these changes, volunteered to be where you are to push the changes even further. Nothing will remain the same, we now have a over load of high frequency energy. It is here because of all of you.
Many have left the planet because their work here is done and many of you are still here to watch this high frequency energy unfold. The ugliest lower energy is being brought to the surface, things that were hidden before are now in your face. There is no denying how ugly this lower frequency is. If you are feeling strangled, depressed, fearful, it’s time to look within and release you own lower negative feelings. This change is for you. Your resistance is futile, remain miserable or start your healing process now by saying ‘yes’.
 The craziness out in the world is a reflection of what Humans have been feeling all along. Many of you on your spiritual path are feeling helpless. That feeling is leaving you dealing with your response to fix everything, help everybody and make it all better. Stop it…..that is ego. It is not meant for you to save the world, sorry, not your job. Take a good clear look at yourself some of you are psychics, teachers, healers but still you are frustrated and miserable. The only way for you to ‘help’, is to clear your own compulsion to fix, and focus your energy on loving yourself……find your joy and have fun. You have had many lifetimes of victimhood, martyrdom, and self sacrifice, in this lifetime those mechanisms of survival don’t work. As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t be here if you had already cleared that low frequency energy. You are feeling frustrated because you are resisting what is. The Universe is presenting you with a path to clear your own shit and reach the highest frequency available. Let go of fixing people, conspiracy theories, hating, ET stories (they will not rescue us, surprise, not their job), these are a distraction from your own journey to your real empowerment. The focus should be on you and only you…..and if that makes you uncomfortable then you have something to work on……. The point of the higher frequency is to clean things up, and that includes each of you who have opted to stay and have brought a bunch of shit you need to clear from past lives into this lifetime. Plus include all the stuff you picked up along the way on this journey. The Universe has already given you signs and signals to move forward but ego keeps you distracted with all of the above and your energy is going out trying to save everybody and everything…..You are like a solar battery that needs to be recharged.
For those of you not on a spiritual path or so you think, Angels are all around you. That energy is backing you into a corner, ego is freaking out. The ‘corner’ is the place you go when none of your worldly answers can bring you any peace. Change is happening and you feel like you have no control. Well, you don’t just feel that, it is true, you have no control. You can whip yourself into an energetic frenzy but guess what, you are going in circles. Until you heal your own insecurities and self loathing (which only is getting worse because you can’t ‘fix’ it, whatever it is) you will always find yourself in the ‘corner’. The energy you are feeling does not leave your life until you learn what you need to learn. You have created your own frigging Ground Hog Day. Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being.
So here goes my story, I live everyday at the highest frequency available. Which happens to be a higher frequency than last year when I was at the highest frequency available. Interesting, right? The frequency keeps going up and I could tell you how it’s different than last year but just take my word. I am in gratitude everyday because my thoughts have created my life of love, joy, peace, prosperity, health, and perfect divine self expression. I didn’t just get here, I had to detox my thoughts, my responses, my physical body……yes it’s a hell of a journey to love yourself enough to do all that. It hasn’t always been comfortable, as a matter of fact, some of it was downright shitty. Every time the frequency goes up, there is more to clear and detox. However everything I ask for and manifest shows up, I know stuff before it happens, I have a body that is stronger and in a better healthy shape than I had when I was in my thirties. I live the life ideal, filled with love with the man of my dreams……
The most powerful way to start the process is by saying ‘yes’. The second thing is to pull your energy in, you know that solar battery needs recharging. Every morning to start your day, say my intention affirmation. Affirmations do not work unless you say it from your heart center so focus on you. Time to get to know yourself.
“I give intent to receive abundance in all its forms, love, joy, peace, prosperity, health, and perfect divine self expression.”
As you repeat this affirmation, things on your journey will change, yes, even more. You are on an adventure, remember life should be fun, simple and easy. Stop resisting and ask for wisdom and understanding, before ego whips you into a frenzy. If what your doing isn’t nourishing your soul, you’re in the ‘corner,’ get out, say ‘thank you’ and follow your heart to something fun.
I did this journey to peace on my own, guided by the Universal Love. When you are open for guidance by saying ‘yes’, info comes your way. It’s up to you to follow it or not…..
Hang in, this awakening is so worth it.
Let me know if I can be of service……..Blessings.

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“Your Itinerary is No Longer Available….”

Category : Uncategorized

Since all trips have been cancelled for me, I opted to spend my time doing something positive for myself.  So, Scott and I bought new Trek mountain bikes. These are beginner bikes and an amazing up grade to the mountain bikes we rode 25 years ago. I love it! We live in an area that has an abundance of trails for hiking and biking. I am not as familiar with these trails as Scott is and he is taking me around to introduce me the some really cool places. This last weekend we went for a ride to a place unfamiliar to me. We were on an uphill trail at about 7300 ft elevation. The path seemed to be mostly up hill over rocks and sticks, a challenge for sure. I am learning to get my balance and strength with the help of 18 speeds on this amazing bike. The path was different than originally thought and we took some twists and turns through the woods and ended up walking through the forest. I was lost, but Scott has a sense of direction that is amazing and always seems to know which way to go even if there was a wrong turn.
We of course made it to the truck and happily my wonderful husband did not leave me in the woods walking in circles. We had a good time, we always have fun together. It was not the time I expected it to be. I’m a find a trail wide and smooth, kinda gal, with modest up and downs so I can go hard and fast and far. Scott is, let’s explore and see where this goes, kinda guy, I know this about him.  Sometime in the middle of the afternoon, I started thinking about how I was not prepared for hiking through the woods hauling my bike with me. I had on the wrong shoes (in all honesty, my intuition told me this before we left, I looked right at my hiking biking boots and I knew I should wear then but I blew it off.) and I was hungry, I just forgot to bring snack. I was a bit perturbed about not knowing where I was. However, Scott has taken us on many trips over the years and I trust his sense of direction. Since I had the emotion of being perturbed, which is actually ego wanting to shout, what if your wrong, what if you can’t find your way back, omg, what if I miss dinner. Now that’s ego on the run. I could have let that energy control my beautiful afternoon and really turn it to shit. Instead I decided to enjoy my walk with my wonderful husband and make the best of the beautiful weather and trust him.
Life is like this, you make your plans, have something in mind of what you want and all of a sudden you’re not there. You realize you do not know where you are or what direction to go in. Nothing is familiar. You may have been manifesting something completely different  Welcome to your journey. There have been times in my life where my ego took control over things much bigger or smaller than this .Looking back it’s almost silly. Things always come out okay, the not knowing will pass, the fear will pass, the unfamiliar will pass. Your reaction to unfamiliar change is completely in your hands. What are you going to do? Are you going to whine, moan, groan and complain….be the victim or the martyr? Are you the person that allows your ego to take control, instead of having faith that the Universe has got your back.
Look at what’s happening now, are you the one screaming over wearing a mask in stores or becoming unhinged that things are not happening the way you want????? I understand the energy has been off the rails with hate and anger for years. What have you done to not slide into that box?  Have you taken care of yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically? For many of you the answer is ‘no’. For some, you thought you had your world under control, surprise! With the culmination of this energy, something of this caliber had to happen. All the ego junk is coming to the surface and right in your face. What’s your biggest fear, most likely it’s in your face to deal with right now. It will remain in your face till you understand your issue and clear it out. Some of you will not live through this, that will make an impact on someone and it will give you an opportunity to leave and deal with your ego shit again next lifetime. You will not leave this adventure of unfamiliar change unscathed. Whether you are holding your gun protesting your right to be out of your house so you can get a hair cut or screaming about having to wear a mask in your grocery store, you are completely under the control of ego fear. You may get out of the protest rally without the virus, but in the end you will still have to deal with your fear of facing yourself.
We have been given an opportunity to rise up to a higher level of consciousness. The uncomfortable feelings you have are do to unresolved issues in yourself, in your heart and soul. You can’t drink it away or eat it away or hate it away. This energy is here to help you see yourself clearly, you can deny your issues all you want but they will just keep coming back.  The good news, even if you really are an asshole…..that can change in this energy too.
For those of you who realize what this ‘unfamiliar change’ is, you can enjoy your journey where ever it takes you. You and I will follow our intuition with a grateful heart, knowing the Universe is clearing away the shit and has got our backs. You have chosen to be here at this time on Earth, to watch and experience the changing of humanity, nicely done.
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being!

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Welcome to Earth Spiritual Being!

Category : Uncategorized

Sometimes,  when you look back at the trail you’ve tread, it’s actually hard to believe you were as scared or confused or uncertain as you were, yet still you rocked it.
I say, remember that next time you feel scared, confused, or uncertain.
You’re on fire,
  The Universe

It was just a bit over 10 yrs ago the whole economy took a dump, the great recession, not so great.. I remember being freaked out. I remember sitting at the kitchen table going over bills and income. We were self employed and responsible for others employment. The question of what should we do, popped up over and over. It literally felt like the life we worked so hard to create was over……..but, still we persisted. I can remember saying to my husband, “When you don’t know what do to, do nothing.”  So, we just kept living and loving each other.

Here we are again, a crisis affecting us and all of you. We still have the same questions, only this time, I would like to say, we are a bit wiser. I have seen this movie before, be afraid, be very, very afraid, but I can’t seem to find that ego fear emotion in me. We have always been watched over and in the darkest days, in our darkest times, there was always a light. Something miraculous would occur, the business kept going, barely at times, but something always got us through, we made our house payment and we had food…….we had love, not just for each other but the love that comes from the Universal source, the sense that something had our back was always there. That Source is still there. Now as we find ourselves facing who knows what, the Universe still has our back. What direction will this change take you, that depends what you are open to receive………
In mid February, I was feeling anxious, fearful, that is unusual for me but I released that energy, as I have taught so many of you to do. Then a day or 2 later, I received what I would call a message, I felt safe and was told we are in a pink bubble of protection and we will be okay, and put licorice powder in the  smoothies that I make each morning.  Weeks later the balance of our world started to tilt, holy shit! But, I remembered my message and my pink bubble and the Universe had my back, and I understand now why licorice is important to take…….it never ceases to amaze me how connected we, as humans, are to Source.. So for now we will just keep going, doing what we always do, be grateful for everyday, enjoy living and loving! With all this time at home we’re gonna make it fun!
The energy is certainly changing on our beloved planet Earth. You are all a part of that change, you opted to be here, volunteered even. Many will chose this exit to leave the planet and many of you will become more spiritual, decide to use this time to contemplate who you really are. There are those that will get more angry, blaming whoever and whatever they can for their miserable lives. It’s too late to stop the change now, the momentum is rising in frequency. So you may want to decide what your life is about. This is a great time for change. If you are not sure what to do or where to go with this change, then start with love, joy, peace, prosperity, health, and perfect divine self expression. Say it over and over to create your new path based on those simple words. You may not even know what your joy is, but I guarantee if you follow your heart the Universe will bring you to your perfect divine self expression.. Your greatest joy is your connection to Source but it is up to you to accept this gift the Universe is offering, which in a nutshell is, ‘anything’.
Anything, can be yours or you, the Universe is unlimited and so are you. If you find yourself uncomfortable going through this explosive time on Earth. Just say, “thank you, give me wisdom and understanding and take away my fear”……you will come out of this, you can be smarter, wiser and more joyful. In the meantime focus on what you want with gratitude, not what you don’t want.  It’s certainly time to have more fun, some more laughter and more gratitude…….

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Happily Ever After Starts Now….

Category : Uncategorized

Time is flying by. Spring is right around the corner and I must admit the longer days are enjoyable. It felt like a long dark winter. My daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. That is the good news, but there was more than a month in the hospital for the both of them. With that said, all is well, going through it was a bit stressful. Jamison was born about 5 weeks early. I have always said, these babies pick when they want to come onto earth. And lessons for the parents start immediately.  About that same time on Christmas Day, my husband, the love of my life, was in a snowmobile accident. The kind of accident that dislocates shoulders and rips and tears ligaments and muscles. He went to work the next day with his arm in a sling, cause he’s that kind of guy.
Life has a way of sending us curves, or to be more clear, lessons. While I was in the emergency room on Christmas Day, all the doctors gathered around to look at Scott’s xray. They thought he may need surgery that night. That did not thrill me at all. So as they prepared to put his shoulder back in, I plainly stated to the Universe, as I do so often, ” I am calling in my Christmas Miracle, it’s Christmas for god’s sake give us a miracle.” Long story short, shoulder went back in, we were told 3 months to heal, here’s some drugs…..go home and rest…… surgery. I guess miracles can happen quietly, ‘you can go home now’, and we did.
This is the journey. So often you spend so much time, being angry, and offended. Instead of looking for the miracle and the lesson. There will always be things that happen. But if instead of being angry or afraid, if you could remember to ask, ‘give me clarity, take away my fear and tell me what I need to know.’ You will find the Universe has multiple solutions, depending on how much faith you have. It’s not that we went home and that was it. The rehab work is constant, along with the pain. I did tell my husband to learn his lesson so this will never happen to us again. I also have realized I have my own lessons in this experience. That is the journey of life. It’s not about just being angry at people or circumstances, it’s about what are you going to do with that anger, humiliation, shame, guilt. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience, emotions are a by product of the experience. If the negative emotions take control, you may find yourself just being a vessel for ego. Which in this day and age happens often.
You are all being shown things in your day to day world. This is for you to be able to decide what you want and what you don’t want. Instead you whine, moan, groan, and complain about what you don’t want, keeping the stream of negativity flowing to you and bringing you more and more of what you don’t want. Everything is energy including your thoughts and you have the capability to use the energy to change the energetic cycle you are in. In other words you are in charge, you are the commander of your Universe. When I am not happy with a particular event or situation, I command the Universe. I have learned to set my boundaries for this lifetime. Yes, I had to learn all of this just like you. I spent half my life in depression and negativity, it’s exhausting. I commanded the Universe to get me out of that energy. I got the help I needed, but it was difficult and a struggle everyday to get out of ego mode. So, yes it’s hard. For those of you that would rather take a pill than eat healthy, would rather sit around and whine, instead of  exercising and stretching your spiritual muscles, then ego will control your life and tell you can’t have what you want, which is true. I have no sympathy.
As of this moment, everything you need is on your path, it may be money, health, peace of mind, love…….the more you stay in negativity the more you push away all the gifts of spirit. Your answers are on a higher frequency plain, it’s all up there……..Start by asking for wisdom and understanding, then be in gratitude for whatever you do have. Ask your Angels to take away your fear to see the situation clearly……….because happily ever after starts now……
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being.

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Laugh More, Worry Less!

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I have postponed writing my blog over and over again this month. Someone out there is laughing and giggling because they love to write, that person is not me. Every month when I think about not writing this blog, some energy always compels me to do it anyway… maybe it is worth a read. We are already done with Jan 2020 and time is speeding by. Energy is changing drastically. There are those of you out there that could explain it astrologically but that’s not my course of study. So in my professional opinion, the energy is weird. I know many of you feel it and because you are human you always feel the need to attach the flow of energy and how it feels to how you feel. You feel a certain way and you’re picking up the energy, then all of a sudden your day sucks or it’s the best day ever, depending on what circumstance you choose to attach the energy to. I suppose that could be an okay way to live, but perhaps you and I can do better.
Energy is neutral, not necessarily bad or good. It can be a high frequency or a low frequency and whether you like it or not, depends on your level of frequency. So if you use the example of a frequency ladder with 20 rungs, the highest frequency at the top rung of the ladder…. love, joy, peace…..and the lowest frequency at the bottom rung….aka: life sucks…..Which, if you are at the lowest frequency, your thoughts have put you there and life will suck. (It’s all personal responsibility).
In the middle, at and around the 10th rung, is mediocre. Most of you live at mediocre, sometimes life is good, sometimes bad. Because you have the ups and downs, you are vulnerable to fear. Fear of other people, fear of other beliefs, fear of not being good enough…..etc…you know what I mean. Living at mediocre does not make you an empowered person, it can make you a religious person. Religion is based on something outside of you, like a god, that judges you and sees you worthy or not. So when shit happens and it will, you may believe you are being punished and it’s time for you to follow the rules of the religion better. Religions are also, always changing the rules to keep you from being empowered. That keeps you coming to church and giving your money, hoping you can buy favor with the god. That often means hating who they tell you to hate, and expressing your love for the so called rep of god, the minister or priest. Not an empowering experience. Some of you may beg to differ and be offended by my statements. That is okay, because I don’t care, your approval is not needed for me to be happy. I’m at the highest rung.  Another result of living at the 10th rung of mediocre, you are always offended. That is a big waste of energy and you feel like your world is out of control and you often try to control everything to feel better. Those of you at mediocre are strong humans, but definitely not empowered.
Empowerment is all about understanding energy and what it has to do with you. Everything is energy, including you.  It’s important for you to understand who you are, a spiritual being in a physical body. There is nothing outside of you that controls your life. It may seem that way at the lower frequencies, but when you move into the higher rungs of the frequency ladder, the fact of who you are and what you can do becomes clearer. I live at the highest frequency available. It was an interesting journey to get there. You have to see your world through spiritual eyes, not physical eyes, which is your ever dominating ego. Ego will be the voice that keeps you inside the box with the masses where it believes you are safer. Seems like everyone, including you, wants to be in a group, with like minded people who can validate what you believe and validate your fragile ego.. And if for some reason they change their minds, then they are to be hated, and ostracized. Well, your ego wants to protect you from being wrong. So many of you never make it out of the box. Easy to see, no empowerment there. A spiritual journey will take you out of the box, on a road less traveled. It can be lonely, scary and full of shit, really, I’ve been there. Soon though you will learn to recognize the voice of ego that keeps you small and at the mercy of others and exchange it for the voice of love and spiritual power.
This 2020 energy is a very high frequency. If you find yourself in situations you do not want or recognize, your Source, Angels, Higher-self….is opening doors to help guide you to more empowerment. These situations can be very uncomfortable, yes, even miserable. Get over it, Human, somewhere along the way you asked for more, joy, love, peace……you’ve had enough of fear and hate, and the Universe always puts in front of your face what you need to deal with. If you ignore what is being sent your way, more will be sent your way…..what you need to learn no matter how uncomfortable, does not go away till you get ‘it’, whatever it is. So instead of resisting, whining, moaning and feeling sorry for yourself….Ask for wisdom and understanding, you may not like what you get but whatever you get, will get you to ……Love, joy, peace, which are the gifts of Spirit and is then created in the physical world as prosperity, health and perfect divine self expression.
Perfect Divine Self-Expression means being who you really are, whether it fits into someone’s idea of you or not. It’s being okay out of the box. It is empowerment. It’s being me. Even my husband has said I do not live in this dimension. My frequency is high and people notice. Some are judgmental and others who are moving up in frequency, love it. Those of you that want to get to that 20th rung, it’s so worth loving yourself all the good, bad and the ugly.
You are a Spiritual Being in a physical body….Welcome to Earth, you are unlimited…….don’t forget…….

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Celebrate Life!

Category : Uncategorized

Grand adventures await those who are willing to turn the corner!
Chinese Fortune Cookie
Another year gone and another one awaits us, the possibilities are endless, so they say. Every year you start with such high hopes. You make a list of resolutions, which often go to the wayside quickly. Then of course you’re disappointed in yourself. You’ve done it, I’ve done it and we find ourselves frustrated. So here’s some magic for your new year, 2020.
Quit trying to force things to happen! Everything is energy! When you force any situation, it’s because you’re afraid it won’t happen or worse will happen, you’re afraid you are not worthy, you think only with more hard work can things change. In other words, ego is in charge and you are telling the Universe, loud and clear that you do not believe. Because, if you really, really understand energy you would know the more you push, the more you push all the good away. What you resist and fight against, never goes away till you learn the lesson of believe, trust, and detach…..Let go, the Universe has got your back. Some things are not meant for you to control, get the lesson and life will be easier.
Quit doing what others want or think you should do .What do you want? What  would make you happy, joyful, fulfilled?…..If the answer is “I don’t know.” Than 2020 sounds like a good time to begin saying to the Universe, “What is my joy?”, “Show me my joy!”….And when an opportunity comes forward it’s time for you to say….”Is this fun for me? Is this going to make my heart sing?” If it’s not fun you are on the wrong path. If ‘it’ or them do not nourish your soul, tell the Universe, ‘I’m done, take me to my joy!!” Oh, yeah, human, it is really that easy. While your ego will tell you your crazy, I say let’s get crazy!!!
Get ready, because your changing will make people, family, friends unhappy and uncomfortable. When you get a spark of, “I don’t have to put up with this shit, time for change!”……..They will feel threatened. Stepping out of the box, not doing what others do, getting rid of ego controlled negativity, ‘they’ will wonder what has happened to you. That’s okay, let joy be your compass and follow it. Yes, ego will pop up, so what? Yes, there will be times when you’ll be wondering ‘wtf’, when things don’t work out the way you think they should. Get over it….you live in an unlimited Universe, so why have limits?????
The energy of the Universe is about simple and easy. But Humans are not taught that, so you are here to overcome the propaganda that has been instilled. You are a Spiritual Being, in a physical body. The whole point is you volunteered to be here on Earth at this time. You set up your ‘contract’ before you came here. You picked your parents and the set up of circumstances for your journey, to learn who you really are!!! So quit fighting your spiritual self and claim the empowerment that is yours. So make those baby steps, catch your thoughts or words that are negative and change them to positive. Yes, in spite of what the ego will tell you, you can control your thoughts. Quit being an ego whimp. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. You are the commander of your Universe and when you’re confused, which will happen, ask for ‘wisdom and understanding, let me see this situation clearly’. It always works, always, but for most of you, you’re just not paying attention.
Hopefully, by now you must know, your life is al about you and the choices you make…..”The lessons from the Universe is all about choice. You choose your life, your family, your friends, your difficulties, your opportunities. What you do with them is your choice. Suffer, flourish, succumb or overcome, it’s all up to you……You are not at the mercy of any power. Even the most powerful energy in the Universe insists that you choose to have that power work in your life. It is never imposed upon you. It is that simple. It is all about choice and you are in charge of choosing.” from the 8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.
So as we move into 2020, my question is, what are you going to do? I’m gonna have fun, I’m going to live in joy in the energy where miracles happen. I’m going to live a life where everything I want and need is on my path and comes to me with perfect divine timing. I choose to live an empowered existence…….So Human Go For It All!!!!
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being, 2020.

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A Deep Breath of Life…..

Category : Uncategorized

I am in a place of grace. I am blessed and full of love. This is the last month of 2019 and I am blown away at how fast time is going by. I am also grateful for the many lessons that were given to me this year. I am blessed with ‘discernment’. I was actually able, in these lessons, to catch the ego jumping up and exclaiming, ‘shit is gonna hit the fan, girl, you best start worrying!’. So evidently, I needed more opportunities to practice what I learned after all these years, about letting go of resistance and going with the flow. Really, I’ve been doing this believe, trust, detach spiritual thing for more than half my life now and have spent countless hours teaching others to just let go, and still the ego ‘your in danger, girl’ pops up. Yes, I am a spiritual being in a physical body with a Ego. So I can either let that ego control my decisions or be in grace…….I got this message, clearly, over and over again. Each and every situation that popped up, was gracefully taken care of, all I had to do was let go…..believe, trust, detach. Connecting to Spirit, Universe, Angels, etc, the Energy of Source, and asking for guidance, to see my path clearly…….always works……always.
It is amazing to me that in any given situation, you have a choice. Each situation allows you to learn. You may feel you made a wrong choice. But here’s the point, it’s not whether the choice was right or wrong, it’s what can you learn from that choice. Because in any circumstance you can get the ‘aha’ moment and the elevator goes to the top, all the lights are on and you decide to change your thoughts, as you bless the situation, and everything changes……It is really that simple or that complicated. As soon as I would get out of fear and say, “okay Angels, here is what I want, handle it, make this happen……”, everything would change and guidance would guide me. How cool is that?
I am not that different than any of you. I have been blessed with the knowing that this shit really works! Which is a bit different than just believing. So here are a couple things you can do to intensify your absolute knowing. First, be in present moment. Fear always takes you to the future or the past. Worrying and fearful of things that happened before this, or you’re afraid what will happen in future. Make no mistake the ego always makes a grand argument to be scared and miserable. For a moment you’re completely suckered into worrying about things that aren’t really there or real.  You must catch your thoughts, understanding it’s just ego and get into present moment. By declaring you want answers, guidance and stating what you do want, you take yourself into present moment. It’s really quite simple, it’s only ego that makes this complicated.  Next, let go of resistance. Let go of needing to fix anything or anyone. Do not struggle against what is happening in the moment, just be. The ego will keep you on the treadmill of fix, take care of, handle it. It’s really a self esteem issue. You think your not good enough, so by doing and fixing more, you think you’ll become a better person or be seen by others as a better person. In actuality, it’s just ego. You are a spiritual being in a physical body here to take the journey and learn to love yourself. You are really amazing, with amazing qualities that make you unique in the Universe. So get on with ‘Being” and allowing, it’s a lot more fun than the treadmill. This too puts you in present moment, so you got a win, win here.
Is this easy, no, not so much. You have not been taught to live like a higher spiritual being. You have been taught to stay in a box that fits what others expect of you. You have been taught fear and the fear energy can only give you what you know to be true, more fear. And because I know the Universe is unlimited and that I am unlimited, everything I need and want comes to me. I am always protected and I live in a state of grace Care to join me? So now start working on where your thoughts are going. Are you ready, Human?
Welcome to Earth Spiritual Being!


“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West