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Your Thoughts Create Your Reality!

Category : Uncategorized

My first 30 plus years of life was spent fearful, depressed and a constant struggle. There would always seem to be someone or something that I would allow to get me whipped into a frenzy. I was raised that way, in constant survival mode. I followed through with what I was taught, life sucks, you can’t get what you want, if you do get anything it will be a struggle, like constantly climbing mountains. It was an exhausting way to live. My chronic fatigue by the time I was in my thirties was proof of that. It’s like being a solar battery that needs to be constantly recharged. I just couldn’t control it all, this thing called life, Lord knows I tried. The depression and sadness killed my mother at the age of 57, and I lost my cookies……all of them!!!! Her life was spent the way I was living mine and for her death was a gift, the struggle was over. She spent her whole life wanting her mother to love her. My mother died taking care of the mother that never showed her love.

We are not taught how to deal, we are not taught how to be happy, we are not taught why the hell we are here……. Oh yes, there are religions, that will be more than happy to take your money and tell you how you need to be saved, over and over and over again. You know the bullshit of ‘original sin’? So from the beginning you are not worthy, from the beginning you are taught to fit inside the box, be the sheep, follow the rich guy. Which is probably the same guy asking for your money.

Think of what you could accomplish if you were taught who you really are. You are a Spiritual Being in a physical body, you chose to be here. You chose this shitty experience for yourself. Your life really is all about you. You came here to learn and just when you think you have mastered the lesson, here comes another thing you need to ‘get and master’…..”Life is all about choice. You choose your life, your family, your friends, your difficulties, your opportunities. What you do with them is your choice. Suffer, flourish, succumb or overcome, it’s all up to you. You are not at the mercy of any power or person.” 8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels. Whatever you believe about your life is your truth. If you know life sucks, you are right…..if you know you are an unlimited spiritual being, you are right. It just doesn’t get much simpler than that. What you know to be true is created in your life each day.

After my mom passed I went into a severe depression. I have been blessed in my life, when I saw myself spiraling down into the pit of despair, I made a choice. The Angels spoke to me saying, “do not live your life the way your mother did’, that sounded reasonable to me…….I choose to move into love. The whole story is in my book, 8 Keys. The story is not complicated. If I needed help I asked, just put it ‘out there’ and answers always came back. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the empty spots in my soul got filled. It seems almost impossible that one person can hold such pain for years and years, including all those past life traumas that needed to be cleared. Then, the struggle with ego, sometimes as I look back I wonder how any one of us survive it. It is not complicated but it is taking a good long look at yourself. All the good, bad, and the ugly and find love anyway. The fact that you as a human can do this is amazing. Often I can feel the love my mother sends or she will show up in my dreams, always sending love. Most recently I was told by a psychic friend, that my mother was thanking me for doing the work healing my energy, because it has healed the energy all the way back, including hers and others down the line. Now I know why it was so important, now I understand so much more. Everything is energy, energy cannot be destroyed, even after death the energy of your loved one is out there. My mother passed December 1st, 1990. You are forever in my heart. Next time we come back lets spend more happy time together!!

My second 30 plus years has been learning to allow life to be filled with love, joy, peace, prosperity and health…….And perfect divine self expression. I believe I have mastered it. Things still show up, fear from ego still raises it’s head, but love is more powerful than any negativity, it’s just another lesson to learn. I have forgiven those in this life’s journey, including myself and I live my life as the Goddess, I AM!

Hey, if you’re gonna create, why not create at the highest unlimited level available, it’s your choice Human…..

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The Choice for Happiness!

Category : Uncategorized

‘Everyone is about as happy as they make up their mind to be.’
~~Abraham Lincoln

I grew up in the sixties, yes, that makes me an official senior citizen. My generation at the time was experiencing the Vietnam War. It was also a time of civil rights protests and chaos against the way things were. I remember watching the news, from the trusted news anchor, Walter Cronkite and or Dan Rather. Due to certain laws the news had to be what was actually happening out there in the world without the right or left wing spin. Sometimes Walter would give an opinion and everyone listened because he was well respected. Who knows if someone was in their living room screaming at the TV about what an asshole Walter was. I’m sure then there was enough hate to go around. If you were black in America, you were most likely the target of that hate. I didn’t realize the impact of that hate and the effect it had on people of color. I grew up in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio with ‘white privilege’. I’m sure that statement will piss someone off, but it’s true. I was not aware of how much of a struggle we, as people in the United States were having at the time. I was just trying to survive my dysfunctional abusive childhood, with the chaos of the world going on around me. When I went to church with my best friend, I was hoping to see the good in people. After all they had ‘God’, they must be very special and I became special too by being ‘saved’. I confessed my sins and you know, really, how many sins can 13 yr old have. So I was not sure what I was confessing, so it was more like confessing I was a useless sinful human. But, I wanted to be good, so I did what I was told and tried to live by the rules of ‘God’.

I have this amazing life, a life of empowerment, a life filled with love, I’m in gratitude everyday at my many blessings. I manifested this life and the Universe responded. That’s a bit different than my childhood. However the world seems to have learned nothing in the last 40 to 50 yrs. The chaos is still around me and I am still aware that being white is respected more in this world, than not, but being a woman, can also suck at times. What the hell!!!! It seems you, as a group of people, are more angry than ever. You hate like never before……and instead of trying to fix things by lifting up our sisters and brothers, you would rather make fun and hurt anyone that would have the nerve to prove you to be as stupid as you are. Seriously, who ruins their own home for money, but you are okay with letting the planet go to waste. Which of you out there would rather have your food coated with cancer causing pesticides, yum, lets have dinner, ‘a little more Round-up please’. It is shocking to me how single minded you can be. Yet, because of all that or in spite of that you are miserable, sick, depressed, tired and it must be the brown or black guys fault. Human, you are missing out…….

I left church because of the issue of control and judgement. They wanted to control me and judgement was everywhere…..I’m not sure what happened to ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself!’ I didn’t feel the love, the god they talked about was an egotistical asshole and some father figure we should obey. So, that seemed stupid and I left. Over the years the religions seem to have gotten more egotistical and judgmental. They seem to hate LGBTQ, abortions, but do not care about babies being put in cages and separated from their family, this stuff gets made up as they go along. There’s hate for tatoos, yoga pants and other ridiculous stuff, like men should have control over women. How stupid is that. The list is worse than my free spirit can comprehend. You all seem to want more than ever to be the ‘follower’, desperate to be the one included. To me, it looks like you are afraid to make your own decisions, you are afraid to take responsibility for you own lives, as if it’s so much easier for you to give your power away and of course, your money……

I am sorry, who have you been listening to because it is not your own intuition?

So here’s what’s happening……Greta Thunberg, has invaded the United States, to speak at the UN about climate change. There are people angry at her and calling her names. Adult people calling a 16 yr old girl, who has Asperger Syndrome,( look it up) ‘a mentally ill Swedish child’. She is not mentally ill. The adults are criticizing her for speaking up. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, go home and stand in the corner till you grow up……geez!

Autumn Peltier, a 13-year-old Anishinaabe girl from Wikwemikong First Nation, addresses world leaders at the United Nations about protecting water. How many of you would like to give all your water to corporations so they can sell it back to you. How many of you wish your water was polluted……hello, the moron in the White House is letting our waterways and lakes be a dumping ground for waste. And don’t even get me started on Flint, Michigan, whose children are being poisoned by their water. Oh but, that’s okay, they are those people of color…….seriously…….what has happened to us.

CNBC writes:

“In 2015, Florida surfers Andrew Cooper and Alex Schulze embarked on a post-college trip to Bali in search of big waves. What they found were beaches buried in garbage. But the friends also came home with a big idea for a multimillion-dollar business to help clean the world’s oceans.

A pollution solution Cooper, 28, and Schulze, 27, first met as college students at Florida Atlantic University, where they both studied business and graduated in 2014. The following year, the two friends set off for a three-week surfing trip to Bali, Indonesia — an island in the Indian Ocean that’s a mecca for the sport.

In addition to being popular with tourists, Indonesia is also second only to China among the world’s biggest polluters. When Cooper and Schulze arrived, they were immediately struck by the massive pollution that chokes Bali’s beaches with trash that washes up from the ocean.” Pretty much right when we got [to the beach] the first thing we saw was an overwhelming amount of plastic,” Cooper tells CNBC Make It. It was a vista strewn with everything from plastic bottles and bags to used food containers and other refuse.”

In a nut shell, 2 friends didn’t like the pollution in the ocean so they formed a company to clean it up. They are actively removing trash from the ocean. Check it out and don’t forget to find something to get angry about…….

In spite of all the chaos going on in our world there is a lot of good. If you are the one sitting around complaining about people who want to clean the ocean….or 16 yr old that wants to save the planet…..or a 13 yr old that wants good water……if this makes you angry, it is no longer about them, it’s about you. You have consciously chosen to be an asshole and be unhappy. Changes will happen in this world because love is stronger than your low frequency negative energy. So sit around and whine, it’s your life. “A negative mind will seize any excuse to find fault.” Alan Cohen

But for me and mine we will choose happiness, which creates love, joy, peace and that manifests in the physical world as health and prosperity!

Good luck, Human, the power for change lies within you.

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Impossible is Not Real!!

Category : Uncategorized

“It is not what you ask for that is appalling; what is appalling is what you settle for.” ~~Alan Cohen
“Everything I ask for, I get!”  ~~Linda West
In an earlier blog I wrote about how I had to make my way into the healthcare system, my Nurse Practitioner had retired. The next nurse practitioner I saw was willing to renew my prescriptions for my bio-identical hormones, with the condition when I went back to her 6 months later she wanted me to have a lot of extras, vaccines and tests. I have spoken before I do not need medical care, I take care of myself thru supplements, exercise and eating organic…’s worked for the last 25 yrs, for those of you who are skeptical. I was not content with going to this person, which is no reflection on her and her capabilities, she just wasn’t for me. When I realized the thought of going back to her made me cringe, I told the Source, Universe, Angels, whatever you want to call ‘It’, (the most powerful energy in the Universe) I needed someone else to go to, someone I could work with and who would respect what I have accomplished in the last 25 yrs………. And there you go…’s out there! Not long after I am driving home and pass a beautiful new building with the sign of a new doctor in town. The energy prompted me to pull into the parking lot and check to see if I could get a free consultation, yeah, right, a free consult!. Well, the receptionist was so nice and set me up for a free consult to meet the new doctor. He was great. I will be getting my bloodwork to check my hormones and will see him again this fall. It’s all so simple and easy……as life should be.
So for all of you out there that settle, because you think what you want or need is impossible, I have more to share. As the years have gone by, being high maintenance is not an option but a necessity. I am okay with that because I am , OCD, obsessive, compulsive.That energy has to go somewhere so I invest in me and my knowledge to stay healthy, strong and young. Up to this point it has all worked very well, but at 65 yrs old now, I did notice aches and pains that weren’t there before. Little issues that you normally don’t pay attention too, but I always pay attention, it’s a curse. As I was on the road to go to Phoenix to catch a plane for a working weekend, I was feeling particularly frustrated with how I was feeling. Now get this, I yelled at the Energy and spoke my discontentment like this……”This is stupid, I should be feeling better, looking younger and stuff. Where is my fountain of youth, for f*ck sake, it’s 2019 and I know something for youthing is out there, bring it to me!!!”  Of course I got an answer, the Universe always responds and everything I ask for I get.  I am headed down the hill, not to long after I gave my request to the Universe and I get a text. The text was from a dear friend, I couldn’t spend time reading it, because I was driving. I lifted my phone and all I saw was HGH, in big capital letters. I know what HGH is, Human Growth Hormone, and I knew I got what I asked for. Yes, just that fast. Well, I had a very busy weekend ahead and didn’t get a chance to read much about it but I read enough to know I would sign up for this new product, which was a homeopathic form of HGH. I did sign up and it has been close to 5 months now and the changes are amazing. Yes, exactly what I asked for and more. I have listed below where you can get some info on this product. I had immediately more energy and my sleep pattern was changed to where I sleep like a baby. My husband had noticed I was way more perky, and he got on it too. There is a lot more I could say about this stuff but in a nutshell, it’s working……Am I surprised, that I got what I asked for???? What do you think?
I could say so much more about how the Universe has responded so quickly for me on so many issues this year and along with that has provided the money to fund what I wanted and needed.. But let me share this from Einstein, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way, this is not philosophy, it is physics.” Everything is energy and I am no different than you, I just know when I ask, I receive. The problem for you is you don’t know that, you may believe it, but that’s not the same as knowing it. Also, I am not willing to settle. The Universe is unlimited and therefore I am unlimited. You  have been taught that limits are all you have, with that you can’t see outside the box. The usual excuses are made when an opportunity shows up, it’s to hard, I can’t afford it, I’m afraid and yada, yada, yada…..geez! You are a spiritual being in a physical body. You are here to learn and grow to overcome your fears and create your own bliss. What part of that don’t you get. Ego will keep you settling, ego will keep you in fear, it takes a lot to overcome the training you have had from birth and so many lifetimes before this. But, you can do it, I did.
Spiritual being, it’s time to quit settling, quit whining, moaning and complaining. Aren’t you tired of you? Whatever the issue the Universe will bring you the answers and it will take you stepping out of your fear to embrace what is being presented. You have choices, you always have and nothing is impossible.
Welcome to Earth Spiritual Being.
In response to last months blog, “Where are the Bees”, here is a link to Tractor Supply catalog for purchasing bees… that’s cool!!
Alice: This is impossible
Madhatter: Only if you believe it is…..

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This is My Life…….

Category : Uncategorized

This is My Life…..

“I don’t need you to worry for me ’cause I’m alright
I don’t want you to tell me it’s time to come home
I don’t care what you say anymore this is my life
Go ahead with your own life leave me alone

I never said you had to offer me a second chance
I never said I was a victim of circumstance
I still belong
Don’t get me wrong
And you can speak your mind
But not on my time………”

Most recently I had to inject myself back into the medical care system. I have not been to a doctor in 20 yrs. I had a friend who was a nurse practitioner/ midwife, she and I worked together to get me the right bio-identical hormones, so I did not need to have my lady parts taken out. Menopause was rough for me but we figured it out and for the last fifteen years I have felt great. My friend retired and gave me names of others that would work with me and they retired also, as we do……So I found a local nurse practitioner in town and made my appointment. I do not need medical care, as a matter of fact medical care has nothing to do with health care, that I do for myself. I just need my hormones, which is a compounded plant based substance. But once I was in the system, which by the way is ‘for profit’,  I got hit with a list of vaccines, and tests the system says a person my age who is in the ‘box’ with everyone else, should have. I am sure many of you would defend the system we have in place. My nail lady says I should have those tests, bad things could be happening in my body now and I just don’t know about it. I had to laugh, I have been paying attention to my body, keeping it healthy without help from anyone for half my life. It’s not that things don’t get out of balance. I know when I’m out of balance and can make decisions with just my intuition and know what I need or I am shown. Great way to live…..Right!
To many of you, this is a crazy way to view your health or anything else in your life. This is what I teach people. I teach you awareness about your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. I am not advocating anyone do without our marvelous ‘for profit’ medical system. Many of you have ignored yourselves for so long and turned your power over to some physician, teacher, politician…..that you don’t even know the difference between the ego speaking or your spiritual intuition. Some of you don’t even believe you have intuition/psychic abilities. So you would not even know where to begin. The only difference between you and me is I ‘know’ I will get what I need, I ‘know’ the information and knowledge and or money will come to me. I ‘know’ the Universe has my back, always. It is a great position to be in and because I know….I am always right. That, my friends never ceases to amaze me. As my friend and spiritual author, John Randolph Price says in “The Jesus Code”……’I have found the point of contact within my mind that corresponds to the finished kingdom on earth, the wholeness of life where every aspiration is already fully manifest. I have seen this. I have felt it. I have walked into it in consciousness and have become it. I am all that I could conceive myself to be…….”
When I first read that I could not comprehend the true meaning but as I have made my journey to the highest frequency available, I get it. This means everything I ask for I get, everything I need comes to me and because of that, I am forever in gratitude. Some of you may think I am bragging, some of you may be jealous or upset because ‘how could any of that be true?’. Well, that is ego. I am not bragging I am stating fact and the beauty of fact is you too can reach this frequency. You too, can be healthy, you too can get anything you need and want, it’s not just for me. Love, joy, peace is our natural state of being. But we are never taught that. Prosperity and health will happen when we are in a state of love, joy peace……but the powers that be would rather you did not know that. So the more energy you spend being mad at me or someone else, the more energy you waste making excuses for concentration camps and holding children in deplorable conditions, the more you whine, moan, and groan about how your life sucks, the more your life will be filled with deplorable, sucky conditions. Blaming others for what you want and don’t have will not change your health or wealth. Your thoughts and words create your life. It is amazing to me after all these lifetimes so many of you cannot see beyond your own noses. No one will make you healthy, or rich, no one will fix you, ever. That is an inside job and your responsibility. You either get it or you don’t, but it’s all yours for the making.
Being on the planet at this time is an honor and certainly an adventure. The changing magnetics and powerful astrological alignments bring a higher frequency to us. This brings the energy, according to Alan Cohen, of  “In Your Face Productions”. If you need to deal with it, clear it or realize it, it’s in your face. The more uncomfortable you are, the more you have shit to clear. This energy is not going away, you can try to resist but misery will follow, for ‘it’ does not go away till you have worked it through. So you have a mission human……get your shit together or wallow in it. It’s your decision. But I am going to enjoy my healthy, wealthy, joyful, loving time on Earth with an abundance of peace. So go ahead, duke it out with your angry ego, along with all the others that have given away their power. You’re in the box, right where ‘they’ want you, how’s that worked so far?
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being.
“I don’t care what you say anymore this is my life
Go ahead with your own life leave me alone…….”
Thank you, Billy Joel.

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Make This Your Best Journey!!!

Category : Uncategorized

“Self Image must be the awareness of your Holiness.”
~~~John Randolph Price
Doing what I do has taught me the ebb and flow of energy. Sometimes I arrive at a place for a weekend of readings and classes, the work I love to do, and only a few will show up. Other times, like most recently, it’s nonstop readings and full classes. I always manifest that whoever needs what I have, send them to me, and sometimes that may be one or two persons and other times………well you get the picture. Even my own energy ebbs and flows. As the energy on Earth continues to rise it can cause uncomfortableness emotionally and physically along with extreme tiredness or high energy. Either way energy is moving and it would be a good thing for you to pay attention to where your energy is going and on what.
Everything is energy, even your physical body. Even more important, you are an energetic spiritual being that has chosen to be encapsulated in a physical body, with emotions and egos that may at times rule your life.  Many of you spend an enormous amount of your energy worrying about things that have not even happened yet, while ignoring what is being created in the present moment in your life. Ego will put you in fear, while the spiritual side of you is blocked by the overload of emotions you seem to be helpless to control. While at the same time saying, ‘it’s not my fault, I can’t control my thoughts.’ I understand that concept, I used to be there. However, you can control your thoughts, you just haven’t tried. You and I live in a society that does not teach you to be self sustaining in your spiritual power, as a matter of fact it is quite the opposite. When you think of all the opportunities in our young lives that teach us about life, school, church, news, and clubs like girl scouts or boy scouts, you begin to see it is a teaching of ‘being the same’, ‘fitting in’, and ‘don’t rock the boat.’ Empowerment classes and those that would wish that for you, are out there but few and far between. However, this is your journey and you can make it be whatever you like. You see, your thoughts create, whether negative or positive, you are creating your life. You can choose to be miserable, as a victim of your own negative thoughts, and your life will remain negative. You can choose to work on changing your thoughts to being more positive. The first time this concept came to me I decided to catch all my negative thoughts and change them to something positive. What I was not prepared for was how much negativity I was sending out. That first day almost every thought I had was negative. I realized in that moment that this was why my life sucked, because I was creating it that way. Over the weeks and months that followed I was diligent about not being negative. Only positive thoughts and words only flowed from me……..and, yes, my life changed. It’s time for you to get started today, creating a future that you really want to have.
If you are one of those who is ‘different’ or does not fit in, for whatever reason, you have made it into this lifetime so you can take what you have learned in your many past lives to use for your enlightenment. According to John Randolph Price, one of my favorite authors and experts on spirituality, from the book,  “The Jesus Code”, “Your uniqueness as an individual comes from many lifetimes of experiences. Over eons, you have honed your consciousness to include your talents and abilities, your particular viewpoints on life and your way of expressing yourself.” Your restlessness about who you really are, and your anxiety about being different is just ego. YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL BEING, CONNECTED TO THE MOST POWERFUL ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE. No one can tell you how to be you. You are woven into the fabric of the Universe as you at this moment, ebbing and flowing with the energy of change. The emotional and physical dramas and traumas that you signed up for, are to learn the one simple lesson; that you are a spiritual being in a physical body.  You are on the planet at this time to become the empowered being that is ‘YOU”.  I have made this journey to enlightenment and it is not an easy road. You must deal with and release the junk that holds you back. Yes, we all have that junk, yes, it really does suck…..…. Because of what I have learned and the happiness and joy I have gained, I want as many people as possible to experience how to live at this high energy level. I give you the tools to help understand who you are in this journey. The common denominator of everyone in my classes and readings is how joyful they are when they finally start to realize their own power and what they are capable of. In understanding that, you become empowered, living in love, joy, and peace, which is our natural state of being.
I live my life in the most amazing, miraculous way possible, everything I ask for I get, everything I need shows up. I have wisdom and knowledge of my body, my emotions and how it all works. Because I have access to all this, I am unlimited. When I teach people this, many cannot comprehend what being unlimited is. Some have a hard time believing that it is even possible. Until you experience it yourself, it is very hard to describe how amazing life is  at the frequency I live. At the start of my journey I didn’t know what was in store for me and I found I was unlimited in a very limited way. That comes from ego, seeing the world with physical eyes. When you finally start seeing the world through spiritual eyes, you understand the ebb and flow of the energy and why and how it affects all of us. You soon can comprehend how much more there is for you.. This expands the consciousness to be able to be empowered and unlimited. If you can’t quite believe that, your journey has more to show you. Just say, ‘YES’, yes, yes. Change your thoughts, and then always be in gratitude, thank you, thank you, thank you!
It is really that simple, or that complicated if you choose to let ego control you!
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being.

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What Am I Missing?

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I love this time of year as the days get longer and weather starts to warm up. I step outside in the cool morning air onto my patio. It is so peaceful. There are a variety of plants that have buds, and the birds are a flurry of activity. The waterfall in our pond is running and the water is so clear. You can see the Koi come out of their hiding places to enjoy some warmth from the sun. There is peace and joy for what spring will bring. Even though I can’t see it yet, the bare winter trees will soon explode into a green magical paradise. Most of the activity now is all behind the scenes, the details of the magic of the birds building nests, the flowers getting ready to bloom, the buds on the trees getting larger and through the water in the pond, the lotus plant is slowly rising up. So much activity we are mostly unaware of and many times take it for granted. But in less than 2 months all the behind the scenes glory will be right in front of our faces!! Mother Nature will flaunt her glorious colors, to remind us that everything is energy. Without much done by you or me, life emerges to capture our attention once more!!
So much activity that you do not see. Especially in winter when so much of our outside looks dead. But energy cannot die, it just keeps moving and changing……..These days seem so chaotic, the energy seems so high pitched and can be irritating. You may have circumstances in your life that are not the way you want. You may find yourself having to make decisions and have no clue what to do. You may just be running like a hamster in a wheel. So few of you have been taught actual life skills, let alone your spiritual connection, which is different than religious beliefs. The journey of you, as human, was meant to be a journey of learning how the ego, the spiritual and the physical body come together to create you. It is the constant game of choices, none of which are bad or good. The problem is that you are not taught to understand your own intuition and the power of the energy within you. It’s all hit and miss. Then, one day,  the ‘aha’ moment arrives and your heart makes a connection to who you really are, a spiritual being in a physical body. Then it all becomes clear and you are free to live and create as the amazing God/dess, you are……..No, not yet, sadly it will take a little more effort than that to overcome ego……but you’re on the right path.
You volunteered to show up at this time on earth. You set up your karmic connections and put together circumstances that have particularly pushed your ego buttons. Now you are here living the decisions you made, good or bad….. I spent some time this last week speaking to a couple clients. I shared my experience of how in my late thirties I found myself with what was considered the perfect life. I was working for a corporation, 401K, 2 weeks vacation each year, 8 to 5pm 5 days a week, medical insurance and I was top dog at the office I worked at. The American dream, I did everything right and everything I thought I was supposed to do. But, I was unhappy. The client I was speaking to had a similar story and felt guilty for being unhappy. We are working on that.
Happiness is an inside job. Nothing outside of you can give you lasting happiness. Yes it’s nice to have money a good job, etc, etc  but only you can make yourself truly happy. My happiness came when I stepped outside the box and followed my heart to heal myself on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. I worked with energy healing and created my own businesses, some that nurtured my soul and those that didn’t, are gone. Yes, I am happy.  I am a Goddess and this journey through all the choices, all the twists and turns, all the good, bad and ugly about myself, I love me. I am perfect in my imperfection… are you.
No matter what your age or how long or short your journey is at this time, think of it as being Spring. So much potential. So much is coming together on the other side for your benefit even if you can’t see it. There are choices galore. Each decision takes you on another path, another learning experience, another chance to see yourself clearly. Synchronicity is being created to put you at the right place at the right time. Whatever is put in front of your face is what you have created with your thoughts. So it is important that you focus on what you want.  Nurture thoughts that bring you joy and send out gratitude for every lesson and experience. When you do this the whole Universe supports what you do. It’s like watering the seeds in spring, fertilizing the trees and flowers, even when you see no signs of a bloom. You must know you are creating the energy that will burst forth with love and opportunity. That is the power of you, Human. Clothed in a physical body, your spiritual self is still unlimited as it was before you even showed up here. Yes, a spiritual being in a physical body, you are unlimited.
It sounds so simple, as it should be, the Universe is never complicated. That complication you’re experiencing is ego. Love that part of yourself also, but let your God/dess lead you to love yourself and you will have happiness.

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A Deep Breath Of Life

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It really feels like the energy is moving faster and faster, pushing us forward whether we want to move ahead or not. The last 3 months have put in front of my face things I thought I had dealt with years ago. All kinds of fear issues, sadness, depression, being played out because of decisions and circumstances I had to suddenly deal with. One thing after another pushing my buttons. Now, there was a time when depression and fear was how I lived everyday, but that was a long time ago. To find myself in this situation was certainly interesting. At the same time my physical body was healing at a very deep level. I talked somewhat about this in Oct 2018 blog. The higher in frequency you go, the more the body needs to release old physical ailments that may have been dormant for years. Okay, I can deal with that, I am OCD about my health. But what I got real clear on is emotional issues connected to the physical issues are being released also. I understand how that works I have a masters degree in Metaphysics, I just thought I had cleared all that stuff, but evidently only till the right buttons got pushed and the deepest levels opened. Holy smokes… I did what I tell my clients to do, release the energy of fear and sadness to the angels and confirm my status as Goddess, who deserves all my good. Pretty simple right! Yes, but the energy just kept coming in waves, I can see where some less aware than me could really take a nosedive into self pity. The ego loves to run rampant over our spiritual power. Layer after layer, the energy was releasing, the physical body was healing, as it does, because I am connected to the most powerful energy in the Universe (as you are).Each issue that presented itself came out wonderful, each decision was guided and doors opened at the right time. On the spiritual plane it couldn’t have been easier, on the physical plane in spite of feeling rather puny at times. I followed what I knew was my truth, and the instructions I would get on how to take care of myself and the shit cleared. Through it all I kept hearing ‘you’re gonna feel great when you come out on the other side of this.’ I am not sure if it’s all gone but I am feeling rather perky. For whatever else comes my way, I am open for love, joy, peace, prosperity, health and perfect divine self-expression. I will be happy to release anything contrary to that, physical or emotional. Whew, I say that in all gratitude, as I wipe the sweat off my brow!!

The planet itself and the energy of it is also transitioning. It’s showing in our politics, our religions and in financial markets. Nothing can remain the same, the old ego energy is being drawn out to be released and the new energy is taking root in love. Many have requested to be on the planet at this time to be a part of the change. Some came just to make the greatest sacrifice of all, their lives, so an impact could be made. For many of you just trying to make ends meet, get healthy, have a life and raise your kids, it’s a huge challenge. If you are reading this blog you re looking for something more. Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being!

The most important information I can give you is you are the master of your Universe. The more you ask for wisdom, guidance and understanding the more you open the door for ability to create the life of your dreams. You create that life based on your beliefs. Everything is energy and if you do not like the energy you are living in it’s time to raise your thoughts to knowing who you really are. If you believe life sucks, yes, it will suck and you will forever remain in that sucky life till you change your thoughts. The Universe can only give you what you are willing to receive based on what your truth is. For instance, I know I’m a Goddess, I know I deserve the best, I know I am unlimited.. So I always get guidance and whatever I need shows up, even money, and there is no need to worry, the Universe has got my back. The only difference between me and everyone else who has that sucky life, I KNOW this to be true and the others do not. It’s a journey. I know money is energy because I have been without it many times, I know the Universe has got my back because I have been in the pit of despair….I have lived half my life through the ego, it was sucky and then when I could not take anymore….. I knew I had to change…….so I did and so can you.

For those of you that may be experience something like I did the past year. here is some advice. Focus on love, joy, peace, prosperity, health and perfect divine self expression. A copy of my intention magnet is there memorize the affirmation This will keep you focused on where you want to go, while keeping you in present moment, which is your point of power. Understand the Angels, Universe always says ‘yes’ when you say the affirmation. However, in order to have all that grace in your life you must let go of the negative beliefs you have about yourself. Otherwise your ego will always be interfering in your good and you will never reach that highest level of frequency where your manifestation is immediate and fulfilling. Because you won’t let you get fulfilled……it’s all about you. Funny how that works! The experiences are there for a reason, they are lessons in love, in clarity, in faith, in knowing who you are and what you deserve, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel.


When you are faced with something you do not understand, ask for wisdom guidance, and understanding. Always ask what to do. You will know by your feelings on what decision to make or what direction to go in. Ask you Angels to clear away the fear, so you can see the situation clearly. You will know when there is a yes, it feels good! You will know when it’s a no, an uncomfortable feeling will take over. However, when you ask and you get nothing, do nothing. Sometimes you must not interfere, the Universe is handling things creating synchronicity. You will know what to do when the time is right. Most people will not understand this method of handling life. When you reach this place you are in 4th and 5th dimension energy, someone will need to be very open to understand what this is all about. My husband is in awe of this latest learning experience for me. Whatever info I needed it came to me. I, of course, always share my amazing “synchronicities’ with him, and consequently he can open up to more and more amazing experiences also.

Is it difficult? It can be, if you make it that way. Mostly, you must realize this is your adventure and you are the commander. What you learn, how far you can go, is completely up to you. No one has the power to stop you or has answers for you but you. Every experience, every uncomfortable feeling, every heartache or disappointment, is meant to be a step by step guide to your greatest happiness. The more you learn, the more you pay attention, the more you look within the clearer things will become. When you follow your heart to be open to all the grace available, the whole Universe supports what you do, the whole Universe. Isn’t that amazing?……Yes…..yes….yes, you are!!!


Welcome to Earth!

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Perhaps You Should Look In the Mirror!

Category : Uncategorized

“I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change”
~ Michael Jackson
During my younger years; before I figured out how to be the real me, I was negative, and fearful, always worrying about things I had no control over. Added to all that, a dominant ego filled me with self loathing. I had put many survival mechanisms in place during my tumultuous, dysfunctional childhood. None of those survival mechanisms prepared me for a life of happiness, peace and joy. Those emotions are just not sustainable when you’re afraid of everything and hate yourself. But for years I faked it, sustaining myself through sheer willpower. I felt I was always climbing mountains. I believed nothing good would ever happen for me unless I forced it to happen. All the while my ego would tell me I didn’t deserve any happiness. And yes, I was exhausted, emotionally and physically.
Our society does not teach you how to sustain happiness. For many, the belief is that money will make you happy, or control, or food, or sex. Then you have the constant struggle to have more money, or more sex, or more dominance over others. I liken it to a bottomless pit that never gets full. I was there, looking outside of myself for happiness. I was longing for someone or something to fill that bottomless pit. When I finally met someone that actually loved me, I was astounded. I just kept thinking, ‘he’ll see the real me and know how worthless I am and he would leave’. There are so many of you out there that feel the need and obsess for more……The real fact is nothing outside of you, whether a person or thing, can make you happy. No matter how much more you get, it will never be enough. Under those circumstances you will always be powerless, which creates more self loathing.
If you live in ‘the box’ with all the other ‘sheep’, then society and the powers that be can offer you anything and you will do as you are told. As long as for a minute, it makes the unhappiness go away. You can put your energy into hating people, yes, everyone is different,  there are so many people to hate. There is so much unhealthy, nasty ass food to eat, that creates addiction and keeps you filling the hole of your self loathing with more nasty ass food!!! There are drugs, alcohol, fast driving, or purchasing more and more stuff. The list goes on and on. This is what society actually wants you to do. Because, the more unhappy and unhealthy, the more in debt you are, the more you hate, the more ‘They” can control you. Welcome to Earth.
I have been there. I have been where you are and I will never go back. There is a way out of the constant longing, the hatred of self and others, the unhappiness. The  Angels, the Higher Self, the Universe, whatever you decide to call the energy of Source, has got you backed into a corner. You are unhappy, maybe miserable and none of the usual survival mechanisms will work any more. It is Divine. It is time to let go of what is not working and start the process of seeing yourself fully, the good, the bad and the ugly. I can remember how painful that process was, but once you send out that cry for help, the whole Universe supports what you need and do. I had always felt responsible for the behavior of my parents, the constant sexual and emotional abuse. I was sure it was my fault. Yes, 6 yrs old, and it was my fault. I must have been so bad to have them, the people who were supposed to love me, treat me that way. As I moved forward on my journey and learned what my parents did was not my fault, I was able to find love for myself. Of course the journey was much more complicated than that.The ego has had control for so long, trying to protect you, it can be disconcerting to tear away from old belief systems to embrace your power as a spiritual person. But it does work, and for myself, to look into the mirror and embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly about myself, was quite empowering.
I have no expectations that this little blog, at this moment will change your life. Only you can do that. I am hoping that this can light a spark, so you will realize that change can take place and you have the power to do that. My journey in my own healing led me to teaching and healing others. I was told when I started, after leaving a corporate job that my purpose was to empower people, my purpose is to empower you. Empowerment, happiness, joy, and peace, are created when you love yourself enough to know that is what you deserve. When you send out the energy to heal, you will be guided on how to do that. I have my book “8 Keys: A Special Delivery from the Angels”, which is a spiritual journey and the 8 keys are the answer to everything. Your Ego will make this complicated and tell you it can’t be done. That’s what ego does. Follow your heart. The beauty of this journey is, that you have so much help. I live a life of miracles and gratitude. Whatever I need and want comes to me. I am loved and adored by the same person I met so many years ago. Instead of leaving me when he found out who I really am, he stayed. We have happiness and life is truly an adventure.
You are a spiritual being, who decided to take on a physical body to experience life on Earth…..make it the adventure it was meant to be, step into your power!
“True healing begins with self- acceptance. You must embrace yourself, rejoice in who you are and magnify it to the highest degree!”
~ Alan Cohen

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Somebody Tell Me What To Do!

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When I was in my 20’s, a long time ago, I worked as a physicians assistant.  At that time in my life I struggled with asthma.  It was convenient for me to work for a doctor so I could get my meds. I was on 3 different asthma medications, plus a handy dandy inhaler and building up a tolerance to them. Consequently then the doctor would give me more of the drugs. Well, that really sucked. I decided to pursue a more natural way to not just control the asthma but heal it completely- to cure it! Why not? I don’t believe the care I was getting was to cure it, just keep my symptoms under control with drugs. So in all my innocence and without internet, I went into a health food store and actually bought some books on health. I read them all. I was a woman with a mission. I learned how amazing the body is, and that given the right nutrients, my body could heal itself. I also learned that my massive sugar consumption, was leading me to hypoglycemia and that was connected to the asthma ….which would eventually lead to diabetes. Funny how once you know it, you can’t unknow it. You can choose to ignore the information as so many of you do, but this seemed to me to be pretty important. So I changed, I got off of sugar, took my supplements, especially Vit A and Vit C, in large amounts. I got off all meds and cured my asthma.
Years later I had a growth on my thyroid. Because I had insurance through my work, I decided to have it checked out. All the usual tests were done and here is what I was told, doctor number one, we can biopsy your thyroid to see if it is cancer and go from there. I did not do that. Then after some more tests came back, I had a different doctor and he wanted to remove my thyroid and put me on synthetic hormones for the rest of my life. Okay, I did not do that either. My last appointment to that clinic was with doctor number 3. He stated his wife had something similar and if it didn’t grow I shouldn’t mess with it. Well, that’s all I needed to hear. I walked away completely disillusioned with doctors practicing medicine. I decided to take care of this myself, as I do.  In the end what I needed was iodine. The thyroid enlarges because it is trying to absorb more iodine from the body, a pharmacist friend told me this. I got iodine 50 mg a day and within 4 months the growth was gone. It was a goiter, I needed iodine and not one doctor knew to tell me that. The fact that I decided never to go to a doctor again was validated…..again. This is my journey, I am not telling you to give up doctors, that’s a decision only you can make for yourself.
I am sharing this to make you think. Are you being a good sheep and following what you are told? Or do you have a healthy skepticism? Who or what is controlling you? Often times I think about, what if I didn’t make those decisions for health, I know my life would be completely different. I cannot say for sure it was angels guiding me to step out of the box, follow my own heart, do things completely different than the masses, but that sounds good. After I decided to never go to a doctor again, I talked to my angels and said ‘let me know what I need to do along the way to stay youthful and healthy.’ Now, over 25 years later, it worked. No doctors, no medications, just healthy food and supplements. This year I’ll be 65…..nothing about how I live is the way society says.
So in writing this, it brings to mind the fact that you, human, like to idol worship. Whether it’s a sports star, a religious speaker, a politician, your doctor, you want to think that they are more wonderful that you. You give people money for mega churches while the pastor lives in a mansion and you hang on to every word like its actual truth. Same thing with your politicians, blind following, idol worship and they get rich. When I was beginning my spiritual journey, Doreen Virtue was a leader in spirituality. I took classes from her. The teaching was great and what I needed to move forward. I know she helped so many people. At the 2 classes I went to the same people sat in the front row. I was told many of them just go to every class to see her. Idol worship. Well, a few years ago, Doreen denounced her whole belief system. She said what she had done was wrong and was now in church and had been saved. People were in a tizzy, what would they do now? Should they renounce what she taught them and follow her????? Seriously, people were willing to give up the ways they were doing things because of an opinion of their Idol. Well, no surprise, if you are old enough to remember Jim Jones and his followers, who drank the Kool-Aid so they could die with their leader. They killed themselves and their children because of Idol worship. Jim Jones told them what to too. It seems that you and others have learned nothing from history, because Idol worship is still rampant.
Whether it’s medication, drugs from big pharma, (who by the way makes a profit every time you purchase your drugs) which you willingly take, not even knowing if you actually need them or not….. Or money to your church or politician…….Have you ever thought that you might be being duped? 
Do you really think some chemical will ever heal you? Think people! In the end it is always the body which actually heals or cures itself. The body must be able to do what it does.
If there is really a god that hates LGBTQ people, why would you want that god in your life. You are a spiritual being in a physical body, why would you believe some guy who wants your money, telling you who you must hate. You are created with a connection to the Universe and given the opportunity, you can heal, flourish with love, joy, peace. Idol worship is ego, and laziness, you want someone else to do the work for you, you continue to give your power and money away to people who don’t deserve it. In order to really heal, and have a joyful, peaceful life you must find it within yourself. You are the commander of your Universe, not some fake person who requires your worship and demands you follow them.
We are in a time to wake the fu*k up!  WE are allowing ourselves to be controlled……freedom comes when you know your own heart and mind!
My journey is in my book, the 8 Keys: A Special Delivery message from the Angels……….the 8 keys are the answer to everything, it’s really simple and easy only your ego makes life complicated.
Welcome to Earth Spiritual Being, time to find your own power!

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2019 Another Day On the Calendar?

Category : Uncategorized

 “As soon as you are born, they make you feel small.” ~ John Lennon
As another new year presents itself to you. It sets you up for a new beginning, a new way of doing things. You can be inspired now, as if a date on the calendar really, changes anything. But, you are a continually hopeful human and maybe the resolutions can somehow, this time, actually work. Perhaps you want to change your body size……or maybe change to a more prosperous job…….perhaps this year you want to find love…….is this the year to eat healthier….???? Welcome to 2019 human.
None of the changes mentioned above can happen if you only focus on outside circumstances. Change is all an inside job. If you remain the person you were and always have been, nothing can change, you will continue to get what you’ve always gotten. So this time give yourself a chance to actually make a difference. Decide to start this year with one commitment, just one, to love yourself. Not just love yourself but to see yourself clearly, all the good, bad and ugly. See the stuff you don’t want to see, admit you are not perfect, and accept yourself. It’s really okay not to battle yourself anymore. You are amazing, unique, with a set of experiences under your belt, that make you, YOU! How can you not love yourself, you are perfection in your imperfection. The magic of the Universe is the more you love yourself, the more you will attract things to you that support that love.
So let’s look at this……if you want to loose weight but look in the mirror and hate yourself for who you have become, you will not be able to make the positive change. What you send out is what you get back. Being disgusted with yourself, ashamed and angry for the way you look, will not get the body you want. However, if you can look in the mirror and bless this amazing physical body that you have had for this lifetime and be in gratitude for your journey and how it has kept you going under some very adverse conditions…..Well, that positive energy can change things. There is your inside job.
If you want a better job, you must quit feeling like you must settle. Again, inside you feel like you don’t deserve, or your not good enough, or you are just afraid. It’s because you do not like you or who you have become. The Universe can only give you what you think you deserve and what you are willing to receive. Ego will keep getting in your way. You have to change your thoughts and see yourself for the creative, amazing person that you are. If you don’t see it in yourself, neither will anyone or anything else. It’s all an inside job. Know what you deserve and the Universe will serve it to you.
If you are looking for love, you cannot remain in self loathing. You will attract to you someone who feels the same way about you that you do. That’s why every person you hook up with ends up a loser, because you do not see your value. In order to have a real loving relationship, you must love and adore yourself first. You must be able to receive love and know that you deserve to be loved and adored, and anyone would be blessed and lucky to have you. Anything less than that, would be a waste of your valuable energy. A high frequency, low ego partner is out there for you, but you will miss it all until you change how you feel about you. This is an inside job…….you get what you deserve based on your consciousness.
If you want to eat well to get healthy, feeding yourself must be an act of love, otherwise you will end of punishing your miserable self with junk food. It can be no other way, love will change you inside and out. The more you love you, the easier the journey to health. You should be the most important person in your life, you will than have the health and energy to take care of all the other things that are important to you.
I could go on but I think you get the point, nothing will change until you do. You are the commander of your life, so where do you want to go, who do you want to be? Make a decision to love you and the whole Universe supports what you do in that effort. Is it easy? Sometimes, other times it’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do, because you are in a battle with your ego. Ego does not want to change, ego wants to remain in charge….but ego is also sick and tired of always trying to control everything. You know that because you are sick and tired. Time for a change. You are connected to the most powerful energy in the Universe and when you say ‘yes’, that power is unleased on your behalf. I know this stuff is true, because I have been there done that, I know the pain of change but I also know the joy of letting go, and loving who I am. Its all in my book, “8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.” Change you thoughts and you change your life. No one can do it for you, your choice, your job.
Welcome to Earth Spiritual Being!


“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West