How Do You Really Feel?

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How Do You Really Feel?

Category : Blog

Many years ago I decided to purchase a vehicle that I did not particularly like but it was small and good on gas. When I say I didn’t like it, I really mean I didn’t like it, the style, the way it sat low to the ground, the color, everything for me was a ‘yuck’. I kept telling myself it was the right thing, it was cheap to purchase and good on gas. I drove that car for 3 years and I can’t even tell you how out of place I felt when in it. When I finally got rid of it, I was so relieved. You see, I settled and the energy of settling for that vehicle was ‘I didn’t deserve what I really wanted’. I made myself a martyr, I didn’t have the faith to even try to get what I really wanted. I sacrificed what I wanted for what I thought I deserved and could get. The car was a constant reminder of that energy everyday that I drove it.

Everything is energy. I certainly was unaware of the energy I was sending out when I purchased that vehicle. I really thought getting it was the right thing. What I didn’t understand was the Universe, which is energy, is very literal. I bought the ‘right’ car for all the wrong reasons. It all came down to how I felt about myself and my real belief  about, God, Angels and the Universe. We have all been in that low self-esteem place, the ‘I do not deserve’. I grew up in a household that reinforced that belief about myself and I took it into my adulthood. So purchasing from victim mode was not a great stretch. However, that action spoke volumes about how I felt about God, Source, Angels, you know the Love Energy that holds the planets in place…..I basically didn’t believe that the most powerful energy in the Universe had my back.

I have, since, come to understand that the Universe will meet you at whatever level of consciousness you happen to be at. You are never forced to move ahead. You can remain in victim mode your whole life if you choose. Along with that ‘victim’ frequency though, comes great hardship and pain, because you are literally working against the Divine Design for your life. The Divine Design is love, joy, peace, prosperity, health, and perfect self-expression. You see, we are, first, spiritual beings, connected to the Source of all there is. We take that amazing energy and come to the planet to take on a physical body and an ego, with all the hardships that go with the physical world dynamics. The purpose in doing that, is to make the journey to the ‘aha’ moment when you ‘get it’! That moment when you understand who you really are and embrace all the gifts the Universe can offer. Sounds reasonable and not to hard; the Universe is constantly giving us lessons to help propel us forward, signs and signals, including miracles to latch on to. But some of you humans can be very stubborn about understanding yourself and end up filling your heart with fear and anger.

Take a look at a fearful or angry person and I will show you someone who has blocked their heart. You may be one of them, you hate yourself or feel guilty and cannot deal with the issue that you somehow feel that you are no good. Perhaps, you grew up in an environment that did not support you. Perhaps, you experienced abuse at the hands of adults when you were young. I had that experience, sexual, physical, emotional abuse as a child. I understand what it does to your soul.  I talk about my journey, being invisible and moving to Goddess in my book, “8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels”.  I would encourage you to purchase it, the Angels give very down to Earth practical ways to overcome such heavy energy. You must clear that energy of guilt and self-loathing in order to move into your Divine Design, otherwise the desires of your heart will always just be beyond your reach. This is not about ‘punishment’, it is energy, your energy. I repeat; the Universe can only give you what you are open to receive. Haven’t you lived in the past enough, aren’t you tired of the struggle and always settling? Then it is time to just say one simple word, to open up the doors to change your life…..”YES”……..”YES”………”YES”………..By saying ‘yes’ you open the doors to the Divine Design, and all the abundant energy that goes with it. And when the ego tells you to be afraid, you don’t deserve, you are crazy…..just say  ” I AM a Divine Being connected to the most powerful energy in the Universe, I am open to receive all my good.”

A few years ago, the lease on another vehicle was up and I was ready to purchase my “Goddess Mobile”. I manifested my perfect vehicle. I purchased a GMC Denali. The cost was mind blowing and the payments more than I had ever envisioned. But I sat in this vehicle and I knew it was mine, I would be traveling alot out of town (I hadn’t started traveling yet but was told it would happen, and of course it did) and wanted something that was awesome, dependable and luxurious, after all ‘I am a Goddess’. Now some of you think, ‘wow, how selfish’, ‘how extravagant’, ‘how foolish’…….My response would be ‘maybe for you, but the Universe supports me when I make decisions for my joy!’ (you too) Every month for 7 years I wrote the check to the bank with gratitude. And every month the money showed up, without fail, even during the recession, when business was soooo slow. Of course it did, the Universe is unlimited, and money is just energy, whatever I need comes to me.

Everything is energy, get it! What does your energy say about your beliefs? Do you know you deserve the very best, not just material things, even though the energy often manifests in our material world?  You are here to embrace the Divine Design for you life, that is the point of being here. Love, joy, peace, prosperity, health and perfect self expression. The only thing holding you back is you!

Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being!


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“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West