What You Think of Me is None of My Business…

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What You Think of Me is None of My Business…

Category : Blog

“Removing the masks that bind us….” John Randolph Price
Recently I was getting my nails done, my usual 3 week appointment. I have been going to the same person for years, she knows me well. We sit and talk for at least an hour and half. It takes so long because I am usually her last client and she likes to relax and talk with me. This particular visit, she shared with me that another client had seen me in the grocery store, and mentioned to her ‘that I looked like a slut from the way I was dressed’.  I laughed. Because I don’t get out much (I work from home in my sweats, robe and Ugg slippers), I knew exactly what I was wearing the last time I went grocery shopping. I thought ‘how funny’, because that same day that someone thought I looked like a slut, someone else came up to me and declared, with glee, how beautiful I looked and how they loved my outfit, including the matching shoes. My nail lady was more than willing to share this with me because she knew I would laugh and because I always dress ‘different’. Her comment to the lady, who was obviously offended by what I was wearing, was “That’s just Linda”. Yes, that is very true. The uniqueness of this story isn’t about my wardrobe, it’s about people, what they think of you and what you should do about it.
When we come into this world, we come without hate, jealousy, or anger….Basically we just want to sleep and eat. We are a blank canvas, with particular tendencies, based on what we came to the planet to learn. As I have stated before, we pick our parents and the astrological alignment to help us accomplish our task of enlightenment. It’s meant to be an amazing adventure, and from the other side, in our planning stages, it is just that. Once we get here, it is up to us to take our lessons from the journey, to figure out who we really are, even though we have forgotten we are spiritual beings with a blueprint for limitlessness.
The physical world offers little to encourage you to be unique. You are taught from the beginning to fit in. The more you fit in, the more people will accept you and like you. Some of you have shown up here on Earth with your main lesson being to be ‘different’. So, you try to fit in, look and act like you belong, only to be uncomfortable in your own skin. You know who I’m talking about……….the world can be a very interesting place for those lessons. It is your ego that wants to fit in, and it is the ego of the other person that keeps them offended by what you wear, or who you are. In my case, it did not suit me to dress and think like others. I was different in mind, body and soul. However, it was a long journey to reach the place where I did not give a shit about what other people think, and could just be me. There are children showing up on the planet now, stepping out of the shadows and declaring their difference. Just the fact that there is a ‘bathroom issue’ these days speaks volumes about their mission and the impact their lives will have.
There are a massive amount of unhappy people out there. Maybe you are one of them, always concerned and scared about what other people think. Do you spend too much of your day people pleasing and then come home depleted without an enthusiasm for life? Do you feel there must be more to life than this? Or feel you deserve more, then feel guilty about thinking you deserve more? Maybe you are forcing yourself to stay in a box where you don’t belong?  Because one thing I have learned is, if you are unhappy, sick, or miserable you are on the wrong path. It’s time to evaluate why you came to Earth in the first place. I guarantee it was not to be miserable, and certainly, it was not meant for you to fit in.
With the frequency being higher, (Yes, still that issue, and yes, it is still getting higher) people are uncomfortable on all levels. The energy is opening up psychic abilities, making so many of you freak out. You can deny it, but you’ll get headaches and dizziness. The energy is opening up the heart chakra to be in integrity with yourself, meaning love who you really are. You can run away from that, but expect on a physical level high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and perhaps anxiety attacks.  The energy is opening up the throat chakra. More and more of you are speaking your truth and if you don’t, look forward to thyroid issues. Your center of self esteem and ego, the stomach chakra, is constantly looking for validation outside yourself. Meaning an atta girl or boy from parents, bosses, lovers, or perhaps having lots of money will make you happy and satisfied. Only problem is, nothing outside of you can make you happy. It’s all an inside job. Everything within you requires you to love and be yourself, no matter who you may piss off. And yes, people will be offended by your confidence and happiness. Nothing will make you happier than being who you really are, accepting yourself, loving yourself. And when you decide to do that the whole Universe supports what you do.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to say, YES, YES, YES………
The journey of my life is in the “8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels”, how to move from being miserable and invisible to Goddess. If I can do it, anyone can.
And one last thought……..
I do not care if you like me, it does not matter to me if you like the way I look, I do not care if you think what I say is right or wrong, what you think of me or about me is none of my business. I would not expend my precious energy to change your mind……so my question is, why would you waste your energy being offended by me or anyone else??????
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being!!

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“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West