A Deep Breath Of Life

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A Deep Breath Of Life

Category : Uncategorized

It really feels like the energy is moving faster and faster, pushing us forward whether we want to move ahead or not. The last 3 months have put in front of my face things I thought I had dealt with years ago. All kinds of fear issues, sadness, depression, being played out because of decisions and circumstances I had to suddenly deal with. One thing after another pushing my buttons. Now, there was a time when depression and fear was how I lived everyday, but that was a long time ago. To find myself in this situation was certainly interesting. At the same time my physical body was healing at a very deep level. I talked somewhat about this in Oct 2018 blog. The higher in frequency you go, the more the body needs to release old physical ailments that may have been dormant for years. Okay, I can deal with that, I am OCD about my health. But what I got real clear on is emotional issues connected to the physical issues are being released also. I understand how that works I have a masters degree in Metaphysics, I just thought I had cleared all that stuff, but evidently only till the right buttons got pushed and the deepest levels opened. Holy smokes…..so I did what I tell my clients to do, release the energy of fear and sadness to the angels and confirm my status as Goddess, who deserves all my good. Pretty simple right! Yes, but the energy just kept coming in waves, I can see where some less aware than me could really take a nosedive into self pity. The ego loves to run rampant over our spiritual power. Layer after layer, the energy was releasing, the physical body was healing, as it does, because I am connected to the most powerful energy in the Universe (as you are).Each issue that presented itself came out wonderful, each decision was guided and doors opened at the right time. On the spiritual plane it couldn’t have been easier, on the physical plane in spite of feeling rather puny at times. I followed what I knew was my truth, and the instructions I would get on how to take care of myself and the shit cleared. Through it all I kept hearing ‘you’re gonna feel great when you come out on the other side of this.’ I am not sure if it’s all gone but I am feeling rather perky. For whatever else comes my way, I am open for love, joy, peace, prosperity, health and perfect divine self-expression. I will be happy to release anything contrary to that, physical or emotional. Whew, I say that in all gratitude, as I wipe the sweat off my brow!!

The planet itself and the energy of it is also transitioning. It’s showing in our politics, our religions and in financial markets. Nothing can remain the same, the old ego energy is being drawn out to be released and the new energy is taking root in love. Many have requested to be on the planet at this time to be a part of the change. Some came just to make the greatest sacrifice of all, their lives, so an impact could be made. For many of you just trying to make ends meet, get healthy, have a life and raise your kids, it’s a huge challenge. If you are reading this blog you re looking for something more. Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being!

The most important information I can give you is you are the master of your Universe. The more you ask for wisdom, guidance and understanding the more you open the door for ability to create the life of your dreams. You create that life based on your beliefs. Everything is energy and if you do not like the energy you are living in it’s time to raise your thoughts to knowing who you really are. If you believe life sucks, yes, it will suck and you will forever remain in that sucky life till you change your thoughts. The Universe can only give you what you are willing to receive based on what your truth is. For instance, I know I’m a Goddess, I know I deserve the best, I know I am unlimited.. So I always get guidance and whatever I need shows up, even money, and there is no need to worry, the Universe has got my back. The only difference between me and everyone else who has that sucky life, I KNOW this to be true and the others do not. It’s a journey. I know money is energy because I have been without it many times, I know the Universe has got my back because I have been in the pit of despair….I have lived half my life through the ego, it was sucky and then when I could not take anymore….. I knew I had to change…….so I did and so can you.

For those of you that may be experience something like I did the past year. here is some advice. Focus on love, joy, peace, prosperity, health and perfect divine self expression. A copy of my intention magnet is there memorize the affirmation This will keep you focused on where you want to go, while keeping you in present moment, which is your point of power. Understand the Angels, Universe always says ‘yes’ when you say the affirmation. However, in order to have all that grace in your life you must let go of the negative beliefs you have about yourself. Otherwise your ego will always be interfering in your good and you will never reach that highest level of frequency where your manifestation is immediate and fulfilling. Because you won’t let you get fulfilled……it’s all about you. Funny how that works! The experiences are there for a reason, they are lessons in love, in clarity, in faith, in knowing who you are and what you deserve, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel.


When you are faced with something you do not understand, ask for wisdom guidance, and understanding. Always ask what to do. You will know by your feelings on what decision to make or what direction to go in. Ask you Angels to clear away the fear, so you can see the situation clearly. You will know when there is a yes, it feels good! You will know when it’s a no, an uncomfortable feeling will take over. However, when you ask and you get nothing, do nothing. Sometimes you must not interfere, the Universe is handling things creating synchronicity. You will know what to do when the time is right. Most people will not understand this method of handling life. When you reach this place you are in 4th and 5th dimension energy, someone will need to be very open to understand what this is all about. My husband is in awe of this latest learning experience for me. Whatever info I needed it came to me. I, of course, always share my amazing “synchronicities’ with him, and consequently he can open up to more and more amazing experiences also.

Is it difficult? It can be, if you make it that way. Mostly, you must realize this is your adventure and you are the commander. What you learn, how far you can go, is completely up to you. No one has the power to stop you or has answers for you but you. Every experience, every uncomfortable feeling, every heartache or disappointment, is meant to be a step by step guide to your greatest happiness. The more you learn, the more you pay attention, the more you look within the clearer things will become. When you follow your heart to be open to all the grace available, the whole Universe supports what you do, the whole Universe. Isn’t that amazing?……Yes…..yes….yes, you are!!!


Welcome to Earth!

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“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West