A Deep Breath of Life…..

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A Deep Breath of Life…..

Category : Uncategorized

I am in a place of grace. I am blessed and full of love. This is the last month of 2019 and I am blown away at how fast time is going by. I am also grateful for the many lessons that were given to me this year. I am blessed with ‘discernment’. I was actually able, in these lessons, to catch the ego jumping up and exclaiming, ‘shit is gonna hit the fan, girl, you best start worrying!’. So evidently, I needed more opportunities to practice what I learned after all these years, about letting go of resistance and going with the flow. Really, I’ve been doing this believe, trust, detach spiritual thing for more than half my life now and have spent countless hours teaching others to just let go, and still the ego ‘your in danger, girl’ pops up. Yes, I am a spiritual being in a physical body with a Ego. So I can either let that ego control my decisions or be in grace…….I got this message, clearly, over and over again. Each and every situation that popped up, was gracefully taken care of, all I had to do was let go…..believe, trust, detach. Connecting to Spirit, Universe, Angels, etc, the Energy of Source, and asking for guidance, to see my path clearly…….always works……always.
It is amazing to me that in any given situation, you have a choice. Each situation allows you to learn. You may feel you made a wrong choice. But here’s the point, it’s not whether the choice was right or wrong, it’s what can you learn from that choice. Because in any circumstance you can get the ‘aha’ moment and the elevator goes to the top, all the lights are on and you decide to change your thoughts, as you bless the situation, and everything changes……It is really that simple or that complicated. As soon as I would get out of fear and say, “okay Angels, here is what I want, handle it, make this happen……”, everything would change and guidance would guide me. How cool is that?
I am not that different than any of you. I have been blessed with the knowing that this shit really works! Which is a bit different than just believing. So here are a couple things you can do to intensify your absolute knowing. First, be in present moment. Fear always takes you to the future or the past. Worrying and fearful of things that happened before this, or you’re afraid what will happen in future. Make no mistake the ego always makes a grand argument to be scared and miserable. For a moment you’re completely suckered into worrying about things that aren’t really there or real.  You must catch your thoughts, understanding it’s just ego and get into present moment. By declaring you want answers, guidance and stating what you do want, you take yourself into present moment. It’s really quite simple, it’s only ego that makes this complicated.  Next, let go of resistance. Let go of needing to fix anything or anyone. Do not struggle against what is happening in the moment, just be. The ego will keep you on the treadmill of fix, take care of, handle it. It’s really a self esteem issue. You think your not good enough, so by doing and fixing more, you think you’ll become a better person or be seen by others as a better person. In actuality, it’s just ego. You are a spiritual being in a physical body here to take the journey and learn to love yourself. You are really amazing, with amazing qualities that make you unique in the Universe. So get on with ‘Being” and allowing, it’s a lot more fun than the treadmill. This too puts you in present moment, so you got a win, win here.
Is this easy, no, not so much. You have not been taught to live like a higher spiritual being. You have been taught to stay in a box that fits what others expect of you. You have been taught fear and the fear energy can only give you what you know to be true, more fear. And because I know the Universe is unlimited and that I am unlimited, everything I need and want comes to me. I am always protected and I live in a state of grace Care to join me? So now start working on where your thoughts are going. Are you ready, Human?
Welcome to Earth Spiritual Being!


“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West