Celebrate Life!

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Celebrate Life!

Category : Uncategorized

Grand adventures await those who are willing to turn the corner!
Chinese Fortune Cookie
Another year gone and another one awaits us, the possibilities are endless, so they say. Every year you start with such high hopes. You make a list of resolutions, which often go to the wayside quickly. Then of course you’re disappointed in yourself. You’ve done it, I’ve done it and we find ourselves frustrated. So here’s some magic for your new year, 2020.
Quit trying to force things to happen! Everything is energy! When you force any situation, it’s because you’re afraid it won’t happen or worse will happen, you’re afraid you are not worthy, you think only with more hard work can things change. In other words, ego is in charge and you are telling the Universe, loud and clear that you do not believe. Because, if you really, really understand energy you would know the more you push, the more you push all the good away. What you resist and fight against, never goes away till you learn the lesson of believe, trust, and detach…..Let go, the Universe has got your back. Some things are not meant for you to control, get the lesson and life will be easier.
Quit doing what others want or think you should do .What do you want? What  would make you happy, joyful, fulfilled?…..If the answer is “I don’t know.” Than 2020 sounds like a good time to begin saying to the Universe, “What is my joy?”, “Show me my joy!”….And when an opportunity comes forward it’s time for you to say….”Is this fun for me? Is this going to make my heart sing?” If it’s not fun you are on the wrong path. If ‘it’ or them do not nourish your soul, tell the Universe, ‘I’m done, take me to my joy!!” Oh, yeah, human, it is really that easy. While your ego will tell you your crazy, I say let’s get crazy!!!
Get ready, because your changing will make people, family, friends unhappy and uncomfortable. When you get a spark of, “I don’t have to put up with this shit, time for change!”……..They will feel threatened. Stepping out of the box, not doing what others do, getting rid of ego controlled negativity, ‘they’ will wonder what has happened to you. That’s okay, let joy be your compass and follow it. Yes, ego will pop up, so what? Yes, there will be times when you’ll be wondering ‘wtf’, when things don’t work out the way you think they should. Get over it….you live in an unlimited Universe, so why have limits?????
The energy of the Universe is about simple and easy. But Humans are not taught that, so you are here to overcome the propaganda that has been instilled. You are a Spiritual Being, in a physical body. The whole point is you volunteered to be here on Earth at this time. You set up your ‘contract’ before you came here. You picked your parents and the set up of circumstances for your journey, to learn who you really are!!! So quit fighting your spiritual self and claim the empowerment that is yours. So make those baby steps, catch your thoughts or words that are negative and change them to positive. Yes, in spite of what the ego will tell you, you can control your thoughts. Quit being an ego whimp. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. You are the commander of your Universe and when you’re confused, which will happen, ask for ‘wisdom and understanding, let me see this situation clearly’. It always works, always, but for most of you, you’re just not paying attention.
Hopefully, by now you must know, your life is al about you and the choices you make…..”The lessons from the Universe is all about choice. You choose your life, your family, your friends, your difficulties, your opportunities. What you do with them is your choice. Suffer, flourish, succumb or overcome, it’s all up to you……You are not at the mercy of any power. Even the most powerful energy in the Universe insists that you choose to have that power work in your life. It is never imposed upon you. It is that simple. It is all about choice and you are in charge of choosing.” from the 8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels.
So as we move into 2020, my question is, what are you going to do? I’m gonna have fun, I’m going to live in joy in the energy where miracles happen. I’m going to live a life where everything I want and need is on my path and comes to me with perfect divine timing. I choose to live an empowered existence…….So Human Go For It All!!!!
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being, 2020.


“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West