Happily Ever After Starts Now….

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Happily Ever After Starts Now….

Category : Uncategorized

Time is flying by. Spring is right around the corner and I must admit the longer days are enjoyable. It felt like a long dark winter. My daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. That is the good news, but there was more than a month in the hospital for the both of them. With that said, all is well, going through it was a bit stressful. Jamison was born about 5 weeks early. I have always said, these babies pick when they want to come onto earth. And lessons for the parents start immediately.  About that same time on Christmas Day, my husband, the love of my life, was in a snowmobile accident. The kind of accident that dislocates shoulders and rips and tears ligaments and muscles. He went to work the next day with his arm in a sling, cause he’s that kind of guy.
Life has a way of sending us curves, or to be more clear, lessons. While I was in the emergency room on Christmas Day, all the doctors gathered around to look at Scott’s xray. They thought he may need surgery that night. That did not thrill me at all. So as they prepared to put his shoulder back in, I plainly stated to the Universe, as I do so often, ” I am calling in my Christmas Miracle, it’s Christmas for god’s sake give us a miracle.” Long story short, shoulder went back in, we were told 3 months to heal, here’s some drugs…..go home and rest……..no surgery. I guess miracles can happen quietly, ‘you can go home now’, and we did.
This is the journey. So often you spend so much time, being angry, and offended. Instead of looking for the miracle and the lesson. There will always be things that happen. But if instead of being angry or afraid, if you could remember to ask, ‘give me clarity, take away my fear and tell me what I need to know.’ You will find the Universe has multiple solutions, depending on how much faith you have. It’s not that we went home and that was it. The rehab work is constant, along with the pain. I did tell my husband to learn his lesson so this will never happen to us again. I also have realized I have my own lessons in this experience. That is the journey of life. It’s not about just being angry at people or circumstances, it’s about what are you going to do with that anger, humiliation, shame, guilt. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience, emotions are a by product of the experience. If the negative emotions take control, you may find yourself just being a vessel for ego. Which in this day and age happens often.
You are all being shown things in your day to day world. This is for you to be able to decide what you want and what you don’t want. Instead you whine, moan, groan, and complain about what you don’t want, keeping the stream of negativity flowing to you and bringing you more and more of what you don’t want. Everything is energy including your thoughts and you have the capability to use the energy to change the energetic cycle you are in. In other words you are in charge, you are the commander of your Universe. When I am not happy with a particular event or situation, I command the Universe. I have learned to set my boundaries for this lifetime. Yes, I had to learn all of this just like you. I spent half my life in depression and negativity, it’s exhausting. I commanded the Universe to get me out of that energy. I got the help I needed, but it was difficult and a struggle everyday to get out of ego mode. So, yes it’s hard. For those of you that would rather take a pill than eat healthy, would rather sit around and whine, instead of  exercising and stretching your spiritual muscles, then ego will control your life and tell you can’t have what you want, which is true. I have no sympathy.
As of this moment, everything you need is on your path, it may be money, health, peace of mind, love…….the more you stay in negativity the more you push away all the gifts of spirit. Your answers are on a higher frequency plain, it’s all up there……..Start by asking for wisdom and understanding, then be in gratitude for whatever you do have. Ask your Angels to take away your fear to see the situation clearly……….because happily ever after starts now……
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being.


“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West