“Your Itinerary is No Longer Available….”

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“Your Itinerary is No Longer Available….”

Category : Uncategorized

Since all trips have been cancelled for me, I opted to spend my time doing something positive for myself.  So, Scott and I bought new Trek mountain bikes. These are beginner bikes and an amazing up grade to the mountain bikes we rode 25 years ago. I love it! We live in an area that has an abundance of trails for hiking and biking. I am not as familiar with these trails as Scott is and he is taking me around to introduce me the some really cool places. This last weekend we went for a ride to a place unfamiliar to me. We were on an uphill trail at about 7300 ft elevation. The path seemed to be mostly up hill over rocks and sticks, a challenge for sure. I am learning to get my balance and strength with the help of 18 speeds on this amazing bike. The path was different than originally thought and we took some twists and turns through the woods and ended up walking through the forest. I was lost, but Scott has a sense of direction that is amazing and always seems to know which way to go even if there was a wrong turn.
We of course made it to the truck and happily my wonderful husband did not leave me in the woods walking in circles. We had a good time, we always have fun together. It was not the time I expected it to be. I’m a find a trail wide and smooth, kinda gal, with modest up and downs so I can go hard and fast and far. Scott is, let’s explore and see where this goes, kinda guy, I know this about him.  Sometime in the middle of the afternoon, I started thinking about how I was not prepared for hiking through the woods hauling my bike with me. I had on the wrong shoes (in all honesty, my intuition told me this before we left, I looked right at my hiking biking boots and I knew I should wear then but I blew it off.) and I was hungry, I just forgot to bring snack. I was a bit perturbed about not knowing where I was. However, Scott has taken us on many trips over the years and I trust his sense of direction. Since I had the emotion of being perturbed, which is actually ego wanting to shout, what if your wrong, what if you can’t find your way back, omg, what if I miss dinner. Now that’s ego on the run. I could have let that energy control my beautiful afternoon and really turn it to shit. Instead I decided to enjoy my walk with my wonderful husband and make the best of the beautiful weather and trust him.
Life is like this, you make your plans, have something in mind of what you want and all of a sudden you’re not there. You realize you do not know where you are or what direction to go in. Nothing is familiar. You may have been manifesting something completely different  Welcome to your journey. There have been times in my life where my ego took control over things much bigger or smaller than this .Looking back it’s almost silly. Things always come out okay, the not knowing will pass, the fear will pass, the unfamiliar will pass. Your reaction to unfamiliar change is completely in your hands. What are you going to do? Are you going to whine, moan, groan and complain….be the victim or the martyr? Are you the person that allows your ego to take control, instead of having faith that the Universe has got your back.
Look at what’s happening now, are you the one screaming over wearing a mask in stores or becoming unhinged that things are not happening the way you want????? I understand the energy has been off the rails with hate and anger for years. What have you done to not slide into that box?  Have you taken care of yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically? For many of you the answer is ‘no’. For some, you thought you had your world under control, surprise! With the culmination of this energy, something of this caliber had to happen. All the ego junk is coming to the surface and right in your face. What’s your biggest fear, most likely it’s in your face to deal with right now. It will remain in your face till you understand your issue and clear it out. Some of you will not live through this, that will make an impact on someone and it will give you an opportunity to leave and deal with your ego shit again next lifetime. You will not leave this adventure of unfamiliar change unscathed. Whether you are holding your gun protesting your right to be out of your house so you can get a hair cut or screaming about having to wear a mask in your grocery store, you are completely under the control of ego fear. You may get out of the protest rally without the virus, but in the end you will still have to deal with your fear of facing yourself.
We have been given an opportunity to rise up to a higher level of consciousness. The uncomfortable feelings you have are do to unresolved issues in yourself, in your heart and soul. You can’t drink it away or eat it away or hate it away. This energy is here to help you see yourself clearly, you can deny your issues all you want but they will just keep coming back.  The good news, even if you really are an asshole…..that can change in this energy too.
For those of you who realize what this ‘unfamiliar change’ is, you can enjoy your journey where ever it takes you. You and I will follow our intuition with a grateful heart, knowing the Universe is clearing away the shit and has got our backs. You have chosen to be here at this time on Earth, to watch and experience the changing of humanity, nicely done.
Welcome to Earth, Spiritual Being!


“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West