So You’re an Empath, Now What Do You Do??

Spirit Quest Center
303 Main Street
Spring, TX

So You’re an Empath, Now What Do You Do??
Saturday, May 4th, 2019 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Exchange $30 adv/$35 at the door

So many of you have opened to your gifts and possibly feeling overwhelmed. There is so much energy flying around out there. You not only have your own stuff to deal with but now your feeling everybody else’s too. ‘Empathic’ is not necessarily a bad thing but, it is if it overwhelms you. Good news, there is more to this than meets the eye. You are a powerful spiritual being and you should feel like one. Join Linda for an amazing afternoon on how to protect yourself while opening to your amazing gifts. There are some simple and easy steps to take to enjoy the spiritual being you are. These gifts, are just that a ‘gift’, time to let the fun begin.!!!

Call Joy Kauf at 214-718-9941 to reserve your spot!


“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West