Some Time the Hating Has to Stop!

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Some Time the Hating Has to Stop!

Category : Blog

“Why was I born to the parents I was born too? My mother was a manic-depressive (bi-polar), my father sexually abusive…..It took me a long time to learn what I am telling you now;   to hold no grudges for what was done to me, to love and forgive…..My parents are both gone now, but if my father and mother had not been who they were, I would not be who I am today, speaking to people of Angels, writing a book that changes people’s lives. Because of the challenges my parents brought into my life, the pain, the agony, the lack of self esteem; the journey that I took from the little girl who was abused to where I stand today; the only reason I am who I am is because they were who they were and did what they did. I bless them. It took me a long time and a lot of effort to heal, but now I can bless them.” ~ 8 Keys: A Special Delivery Message from the Angels

For each of us, challenges are a part of our journey, we must make decisions on how to handle those challenges and the people who are a part of them. How we choose to live our lives are because of the challenges. Who we choose to be are because of these challenges. Our journey in life on Earth, is the path to self-discovery…..the lesson is all about choice. You choose your life, your family, your friends, your difficulties, your opportunities. What you do with them is also your choice, suffer, flourish, succumb, or overcome, it is all up to you. It is that simple or that complicated.

Each lifetime gives us an opportunity to refine our soul and discover who we really are. That is the meaning of life, right there; who are you really? You have a chance to be enlightened by each and every challenge brought your way.  Think of the people who have done you wrong. Maybe you think they have betrayed you or misused your trust, maybe these people are those you cared about or loved. These betrayals are extremely hurtful and the pain of it can last for years. I have people that come to me for healing in their 50’s and 60’s that are still reeling from the pain of childhood. This pain we hold onto creates energy in us that we may not completely understand. Why doesn’t a person love themselves?  Why do so many people feel powerless in their lives? Why do so many have such a low self esteem? Are you one of these people? Or perhaps you are frustrated and angry, feel that you must control and dominate your world or the people in it. Are you the ‘bully’, think you are better than someone with less money, different color skin, different sexual orientation? Take a look, my friends, at yourself, all that low self esteem, all that need to control, that is all about fear. Somewhere along the way the challenges you set up for yourself, have not been healed.

Our natural state as spiritual beings, in this physical body on Earth, is peace. Anything other than that, tells you that you have healing to do. No emotions that have been healed stay with us. As a matter of fact, every time I speak of my childhood, it doesn’t feel like me. It feels more like a book I read, the impact of pain and rejection is gone.  So the question is when are you going to move forward and acknowledge your pain, anger, self-loathing, because until you do you cannot move forward to forgive. If you can’t forgive, you cannot be in your natural state of love and peace. Perhaps you, like me need to forgive your parents for being really, lousy parents. Perhaps a boyfriend or spouse who rejected you and could not see your value. Perhaps you are angry at yourself or ‘God’ for your lot in life. It can all be forgiven……

I recently saw a movie, “The Railway Man”. Perhaps you have heard the amazing story of forgiveness that this true life movie offers. “During the Second World War Eric Lomax was tortured by the Japanese on the Burma-Siam Railway. 50 years later he met one of his tormentors. His book, The Railway Man, tells the story.”

I was so moved by the power of forgiveness that this movie displayed while telling the story of Eric Lomax. The horrifying account of torture and brutality that one person inflicted upon another. This type of hatred is displayed on social media, the news, people’s personal accounts, everyday. One person’s cruelty to another, it is about fear and anger, feeling less than. It happens all the time and we can only hope that they who are involved can find forgiveness as this account displays. Below is a link to the story but it is more, it is a link to ‘The Forgiveness Project’, I don’t know much about it other than I hope that among these stories you may find your motivation to forgive yourself or others.  Check out more  here:

My book chronicles my journey to peace, one of the 8 Keys is Forgiveness. It gives you steps you can take to clear the energy of non-forgiveness. The more who release this anger, fear, self-loathing, the faster the Earth and its inhabitants can heal.  We can change the world by changing ourselves. Do not forget, anything other than your natural state of peace means there is an issue to clear, a fear to let go of, forgiveness to be given…….many blessings, Spiritual Being. May you overcome and flourish with peace and love in your life, and so it is!


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“My purpose on this planet today is to provide you with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through your Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. I offer the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.” ~ Linda West